正版Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region, China陈旭书店自然科学书籍 畅想畅销书
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Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region, China陈旭 自然科学书籍
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预订Well Production Performance Analysis for Shale Gas Reservoirs
按需印刷Shale:Subsurface Science and Engineering[9781119066682]
【按需印刷】 The Politics of Shale Gas in Eastern Europe:Ene
按需印刷Behind the Scenes of Jenna Shale[9781641513890]
按需印刷Interactions between Ammonium Nitrate and Pyritic Shale[9783639144604]
按需印刷The Oil Shale Industry (1920)[9781437293067]
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【预售】Showered in Shale
【预售】Fox: Buffalo Swamp to Marcellus Shale: The History
【预售】Broxburn Shale: The Rise and Fall of an Industry
【预售】Shale Gas Production Processes
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【预售】Fox: Buffalo Swamp to Marcellus Shale: The Histor
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【预订】Deep Shale Oil and Gas
【预订】Wastewater and Shale Formation Development
【预订】Shale Analytics
【预订】Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs...
【预订】Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Enc...
【预订】Sustainable Shale Oil and Gas
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【预售】Fine Scale Characterization of Shale...
【预售】Shale Boom: The Barnett Shale Play a...
【预售】Shale Analytics: Data-Driven Analytics in Unconventional Resources
【预售】Shale Oil and Gas Handbook
【预售】Lacustrine Shale Gas
【预售】Transport in Shale Reservoirs
【预售】Shale Gas and Fracking
【预售】Shale Gas
【预售】Utah Oil Shale
【预售】Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs
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【预订】Well Production Performance Analysis for Shale Gas Reservoirs
【预订】Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs
【预订】Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development
【预订】OPEC in a Shale Oil World
【预订】Integrative Understanding of Shale Gas Reservoirs
【预订】Oil Shale: A Solution to the Liquid Fuel Dilemma
【预订】Utah Oil Shale: Science, Technology, and Policy Perspectives
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【预订】Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development in China 9789811604898
海外直订Shale Oil and Gas Handbook: Theory, Technologies, and Challenges 页岩油气手册:理论、技术和挑战
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海外直订Distribution of Ostracoda and Foraminifera in the Bennett Shale 贝内特页岩介形虫和有孔虫的分布
现货 奇妙的生命 伯吉斯页岩与历史本质 Wonderful Life The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History【中商原版】
海外直订The First Decade of the Twentieth Century: The Burgess Shale of Modern Technolog 二十世纪第一个十年:现代技术的
海外直订Shale Gas: The Promise and the Peril 页岩气:前景与风险
海外直订The Human and Environmental Impact of Fracking: How Fracturing Shale for Gas Aff 《水力压裂对人类和环境的影
【预订】Wastewater and Shale Formation Development: Risks, Mitigation, and R 9781774635667
海外直订Shale Oil Production Processes 页岩油生产工艺
海外直订Deep Shale Oil and Gas 深层页岩油气
Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region China 中国扬子区奥陶纪末至志留纪初含页岩
海外直订Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Case Studies and Impacts 非常规页岩气开发经济学:案例研究
海外直订Shale Gas: Ecology, Politics, Economy 页岩气:生态、政治、经济
Latest Ordovician to Early Silurian Shale Gas Strata of the Yangtze Region, China
海外直订Shale Analytics: Data-Driven Analytics in Unconventional Resources 页岩分析:非常规资源的数据驱动分析
海外直订Fine Scale Characterization of Shale Reservoirs: Methods and Challenges 页岩储层精细尺度表征:方法与挑战
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海外直订Confined Fluid Phase Behavior and Co2 Sequestration in Shale Reservoirs 页岩储层的限制流体相行为与Co2封存
【日本直邮】Noritake则武 碗 14cm Shale Blanc 陶瓷 94893/1655