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预订 Governing Shale Gas: Development, Citizen Participation and Decision Making in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe
【预售】Fine Scale Characterization of Shale...
【预订】OPEC in a Shale Oil World
【预订】Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development in China 9789811604898
[预订]Lithofacies Paleogeography and Geological Survey of Shale Gas
【预订】Integrative Understanding of Shale Gas Reservoirs
[预订]Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History 9780393027051
[预订]Unconventional Shale Gas Development
【预订】Enhanced Oil Recovery in Shale and Tight Reservoirs
[预订]Clay and Shale Deposits of the Western Provinces [microform]: Part III 9781014818102
[预订]... Short Papers From the Cooperative Oil-Shale Laboratory 9781021687708
【预售】Utah Oil Shale
[预订]Shale Oil and Gas Reservoirs 9781955578080
预订 Shale Gas Occurrence and Flow Mechanisms from Innovative Insight: 9786207806270
【预订】Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development
【预订】Sustainable Shale Oil and Gas
[预订]The Shale Dilemma: A Global Perspective on Fracking and Shale Development 9780822945130
[预订]Preliminary Report on the Clay and Shale Deposits of the Western Provinces [microform] 9781014976574
[预订]Preliminary Report on the Clay and Shale Deposits of the Province of Quebec [microform] 9781014421111
【预售】Shale Analytics: Data-Driven Analytics in Unconventional Resources
[预订]Shale Hydrocarbon Recovery
预订 Seismic-Based Prediction Technologies for Shale Gas Sweet Spots 页岩气“甜点”地震预测技术: 9789811283178
【预订】Wastewater and Shale Formation Development: Risks, Mitigation, and R 9781774635667
[预订]A Microfaunal Study of the Basal Lloydminster Shale 9781014029041
【预订】Shale Oil and Gas Production Processes
[预订]Report on the Clay and Shale Deposits of the Western Provinces [microform]: (part II) 9781015188389
[预订]Preliminary Report on the Clay and Shale Deposits of the Western Provinces [microform] 9781015387737
【预售】Shale Boom: The Barnett Shale Play a...
【预售】Fox: Buffalo Swamp to Marcellus Shale: The Histor
【预售】Shale Gas and Fracking
预订 Regulating Shale Gas: The Challenge of Coherent Environmental and Energy Regulation 调节页岩气: 9781786433183
[预订]The Shale Renaissance: How Fracking Has Changed Pennsylvania in the Twenty-First Century 9780822947363
[预订]The Shale Shaker Digest; 6 9781013774294
预订 The Political Economy of Fracking: Private Property, Polycentricity, and the Shale Revolution 压裂的政治经济学:私
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【预售】Shale Gas
【预售】Showered in Shale
【预售】Broxburn Shale: The Rise and Fall of an Industry
预订 Shale Energy Revolution
【预售】Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs
【预订】Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Enc...
【预售】Transport in Shale Reservoirs
【预订】Wastewater and Shale Formation Development
【预订】Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs...
【预订】Oil Shale: A Solution to the Liquid Fuel Dilemma
【预售】Lacustrine Shale Gas
【预售】Reservoir Simulation of Shale Gas an...
【预售】Shale Oil and Gas Handbook
【预订】Deep Shale Oil and Gas
[预订]Unconventional Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation: Current Trends in Shale Gas Exploitation 9783031487262
[预订]Confined Fluid Phase Behavior and Co2 Sequestration in Shale Reservoirs
【预订】Shale Analytics
[预订]Strategic Advances in Environmental Impact Assessment: Challenges of Unconventional Shale Gas Extrac 9781536144338
【预订】Utah Oil Shale: Science, Technology, and Policy Perspectives
预订 Sedimentation and Reservoirs of Marine Shale in South China 中国南方海相页岩沉积与储层: 9789819753604
预订 Modelling in Nanoporous Shale: Gas-water Occurrence and Transport 纳米多孔页岩建模:煤气水的发生与输运: 97830316914
预订 Laboratory Characterization of Shale: Measurement and Simulation 页岩的实验室表征:测量与仿真: 9783031828768
【预订】Evaluation of Shale Source Rocks and Reservoirs
【预售】Shale: Extreme Fiction for Extreme C...
预订 Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Coal and Shale
现货 奇妙的生命 伯吉斯页岩与历史本质 Wonderful Life The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History【中商原版】
【预订】Well Production Performance Analysis for Shale Gas Reservoirs
预订 European Energy Studies Volume V: Shale Gas in Europe: A Multidisciplinary Analysis with a Focus on European Specif
【预售】Shale Gas Production Processes
【预售】Shale Oil Production Processes
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预订 Natural Gas from Shale: Questions and Answers
预订 Climate and Energy Politics in Poland: Debating Carbon Dioxide and Shale Gas 波兰的气候与能源政治:辩论二氧化碳与页
[预订]The Oil Shale Industry 9781015688537
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【美国直邮】Bogs Shale 8 Glacial Grip WP 男士时装靴 100 防水
【美国直邮】Bogs Shale Mid Soft Toe WP 男士防水时装靴 时尚舒
【美国直邮】Bogs Shale Mid Glacial Grip WP 男士防水时装靴 舒
香港直邮潮奢 bogs 男士 Shale Mid CT ESD 运动鞋