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预订Control of Nonlinear Mechatronic Systems - Control and modeling of nonlinear systems with applicatio
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预订Simulations in Bulk Solids Handling:Applicatio
预订Eddy Currents:Theory, Modeling, and Applicatio
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【预售】Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applicatio
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【预售】Borate Glasses: Structure, Properties, Applicatio
【预售】High Performance Computing Systems and Applicatio
【预售】Computer-Supported Collaboration: With Applicatio
【预售】Plant Image Analysis: Fundamentals and Applicatio
【预售】Introductory Functional Analysis: With Applicatio
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【预售】Kansei Innovation: Practical Design Applicatio...
【预售】Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applicatio...
【预售】Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applicatio...
【预售】Equation of State and Its Applicatio...
【预订】Mathematical Modeling and Applicatio...
【预订】Statistical Mechanics and Applicatio...
【预订】Developing Enterprise IOS Applicatio...
【预订】Failsafe Control Systems: Applicatio...
【预订】Isogeometric Analysis and Applicatio...
【预订】Load-Pull Techniques with Applicatio...
【预订】Synthesis, Properties and Applicatio...
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【预订】Eunice 2005: Networks and Applicatio...
【预订】Hyperspherical Harmonics: Applicatio...
【预订】Path Integrals: And Their Applicatio...
【预订】Advanced Photon Counting: Applicatio...
【预订】Molecular Biology and Its Applicatio...
【预订】Prior Processes and Their Applicatio...
【预订】Research, Fabrication And Applicatio...
【预订】Bio-Inspired Surfaces And Applicatio...
【预订】Fundamental Processes and Applicatio...
【预订】Refrigeration Systems and Applicatio...
【预订】Big Data Technologies and Applicatio...
【预订】Piezoelectric Materials - Applicatio...
【预订】Context-Aware Systems and Applicatio...
【预订】Modelling Foundations and Applicatio...
【预订】Experimental Design: With Applicatio...
【预订】Theory of Vibrations with Applicatio...
【预售】Optical Phenomenology and Applicatio...
【预售】Computational Methods for Applicatio...
【预售】Mathematical Modeling and Applicatio...
【预售】Mathematical Analysis and Applicatio...
【预售】Build Android-Based Smart Applicatio...
【预售】Big Data Technologies and Applicatio...
【预售】Ubuntu 18.04 Lts Desktop: Applicatio...
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【预售】Computational Aspects and Applicatio...
【预售】Modelling Foundations and Applicatio...
【预售】Kubernetes for Serverless Applicatio...
【预售】Prior Processes and Their Applicatio...
【预售】Innovative Techniques and Applicatio...
【预售】Context-Aware Systems and Applicatio...
【预售】Biophotonics: Concepts to Applicatio...
【预售】Computational Probability Applicatio...
【预售】Critical Developments and Applicatio...
【预售】Emerging Capabilities And Applicatio...
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【预售】Ubuntu 16.04 Lts Desktop: Applicatio...
【预售】Arch Models for Financial Applicatio...
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海外直订Lacame 2008: Proceedings of the 11th Latin American Conference on the Applicatio Lacame 2008:第11
海外直订Partial Differential Equations and Group Theory: New Perspectives for Applicatio 偏微分方程与群论:应用的新视角