现货 Life Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Subaltern in ATS, 1945
Life Princess Elizabeth, 2nd Subaltern in ATS, 1945
按需印刷Challenging the Cult of Self-Esteem in Education:Education, Psychology, and the Subaltern Self[9781138700888]
预订An Analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Can the Subaltern Speak?
按需印刷A Subaltern In America[9781120131980]
按需印刷Sporting Trips Of A Subaltern (1906)[9781104470968]
预订Subaltern Medievalisms:Medievalism 'from below' in Nineteenth-Century Britain
按需印刷TF Empowering Subaltern Voices Through Education[9781032354507]
按需印刷TF Subaltern Workers in Contemporary France[9781032360577]
按需印刷TF Subaltern Political Subjectivities and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Ce
【预售】Subaltern's Furlough
【预售】Subaltern Lives: Biographies of Colonialism in the
【预售】Trans-Americanity: Subaltern Moderniti
【预售】Subaltern Lives: Biographies of Coloni
【预售】Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of...
【预售】Subaltern Writings: Readings on Grac...
【预售】Subaltern Ethics in Contemporary Sco...
现货 An Analysis of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Can the Subaltern Speak 对属下阶层的发言权的分析【中商原版】
【预订】The Subaltern Indian Woman
【预订】Can the Subaltern Speak? 9781912302895
海外直订Cyberculture and the Subaltern: Weavings of the Virtual and Real 文化与底层:虚拟与现实的交织
海外直订The Subaltern ... Library Edition Revised and Corrected, with a New Preface. 中尉……图书馆版修订和更正,带
海外直订The British Subaltern. [A Novel.] by an Ex-Subaltern. 英国潜艇。【小说】一个前下级军官。
海外直订A Soldier Born, or the Adventures of a Subaltern of the 95th in the Crimea and I 出生于克里米亚和印度兵变中
海外直订The Subaltern, the Policeman and the Little Girl. an Anglo-Indian Sketch, Etc. 次官、警察和小女孩。英印素描
海外直订Subaltern Ethics in Contemporary Scottish and Irish Literature: Tracing Counter- 当代苏格兰和爱尔兰文学中的
预售 按需印刷 Forty-one years in India From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief VOL-1
预售 按需印刷 The notion of subaltern classes in the thought of Antonio Gramsci
预售 按需印刷 Leaves From The Journal Of A Subaltern During The Campaign In The Punjaub Sept. 1848 To March 1849
海外直订The Disbanded Subaltern. a Poem. by William Carter, Late a Leiutenant [sic] of t 被解散的中尉。一首诗。——
预订 按需印刷 伽耶特里·查克拉沃蒂·斯皮瓦克 Can the Subaltern Speak?《底层人民能说话吗?》分析
海外直订The Disbanded Subaltern. A Poem. By William Carter, Late a Leiutenant [sic] of t 被解散的中尉。一首诗。威廉
[预订]The Subaltern Ulysses 9780816623297
海外直订Subaltern Subject in Structured Historical Proce... 结构化历史过程中的次等主体
[预订]The Subaltern Subject in Structured Historical Process 9781032668963
预售 按需印刷 Subaltern Political Subjectivities and Practices in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Can the Subaltern Speak? 属下阶层的发言权 MACAT解读系列
英文原版 Can the Subaltern Speak 属下阶层的发言权 MACAT解读系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
属下阶层的发言权 英文原版 Can the Subaltern Speak MACAT解读系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Can the Subaltern Speak? 属下阶层的发言权 MACAT解读系列进口原版英文书籍
[预订]Subaltern Workers in Contemporary France 9781032360577
[预订]Subaltern Workers in Contemporary France 9781032360560
海外直订Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impressions of July lst, 191 攻击:一个步兵次官7月1日的印象,191
Attack: An Infantry Subaltern's Impressions of July lst, 191 攻击:一个步兵次官7月1日的印象,191【中商原版】
海外直订The Subaltern Officer 士官
海外直订The Subaltern Officer of the Prince of Wales's Volunteers: the Reminiscences of 威尔士亲王志愿军的次等军官
海外直订SOME LETTERS FROM A SUBALTERN ON THE WESTERN FRONT. July 1915-June 1916. 一些来自西线一个中尉的信。1915年7
预订 The Black Subaltern
预订 A Subaltern’s Share in the War, Home Letters of the Late George Weston Devenish: 9781020895296
预订 A Sunny Subaltern; Billy’s Letters From Flanders: 9781022723290
预订 Attack: An Infantry Subaltern’s Impressions of July lst, 191: 9781019215425
预订 A Subaltern in Serbia and Some Letters From the Struma Valley: 9781019911587
预订 A Sunny Subaltern; Billy’s Letters From Flanders: 9781021138446
预订 A Subaltern’s Share in the War, Home Letters of the Late George Weston Devenish: 9781022137776
预订 Attack: An Infantry Subaltern’s Impression of July 1st, 1916: 9789354044724
预订 A Canadian subaltern, Billy’s letters to his mother: 9789354040566
预订 Attack: An Infantry Subaltern’s Impression of July 1st, 1916: 9789354044731
预订 Attack: An Infantry Subaltern’s Impressions of July lst, 191: 9781019210727
预订 A Subaltern in Serbia and Some Letters From the Struma Valley: 9781021464057
预订 Attack: An Infantry Subaltern’s Impression of July 1st, 1916: 9789356089495
预订 Subaltern Narratives in Fiji Hindi Literature 斐济印地语文学中的下属叙事: 9781839990700
预订 Subaltern Silence: A Postcolonial Genealogy: 9780231214469
预订 Subaltern Women’s Narratives: Strident Voices, Dissenting Bodies 下层妇女的叙述:刺耳的声音、异议机构: 97803676390
【4周达】Political Ecospatiality: Livelihood, Environment, and Subaltern Struggles in Kerala [9781009337397]
预订 Subaltern Women’s Narratives: Strident Voices, Dissenting Bodies 下层女性的叙事:刺耳的声音,不同的身体: 978036763
预订 The Devil's Highway: Urban Anxieties and Subaltern Cultures in London's Sailortown, C.1850-1900 [9781526177926]
【4周达】Subaltern Perspectives in Indian Context: Critical Responses [9789390655922]
预订 Empowering Subaltern Voices Through Education: The Chakma Diaspora in Australia 通过教育增强次等人的声音:澳大利亚
预订 Ancient History from Below: Subaltern Experiences and Actions in Context 自下而上的古代历史:背景下的从属经验与行动
【4周达】Subaltern Ethics in Contemporary Scottish and Irish Literature: Tracing Counter-Histories [9780230241701]
【4周达】Ancient History from Below: Subaltern Experiences and Actions in Context [9780367424411]
预订 Cultural Histories of India: Subaltern Spaces, Peripheral Genres, and Alternate Historiography [9780367435318]
【4周达】Subaltern Women's Narratives: Strident Voices, Dissenting Bodies [9780367638993]
【4周达】A Subaltern History of the Indian Diaspora in Singapore : The Gradual Disappearance of Untou... [9780367875237]
预订 Habitations of Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern Studies [9780226100395]
预订 Habitations of Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern Studies [9780226100388]
【4周达】Community, Gender, and Violence: Subaltern Studies XI [9780231123143]
【4周达】Community, Gender, and Violence: Subaltern Studies XI [9780231123150]
【4周达】Subaltern Women's Narratives: Strident Voices, Dissenting Bodies [9780367639013]
预订 Challenging the Cult of Self-Esteem in Education: Education, Psychology, and the Subaltern Self [9780367887544]
【4周达】The Subaltern Speak : Curriculum, Power, and Educational Struggles [9780415950817]
【4周达】Imagining Iran : The Tragedy of Subaltern Nationalism [9780739179444]
【4周达】Cyberculture and the Subaltern : Weavings of the Virtual and Real [9780739118535]
【4周达】Cyberculture and the Subaltern : Weavings of the Virtual and Real [9780739197615]
【4周达】The Subaltern Speak : Curriculum, Power, and Educational Struggles [9780415950824]
【4周达】The Subaltern Ulysses [9780816623297]
【4周达】Peasants on Plantations: Subaltern Strategies of Labor and Resistance in the Pisco Valley, Peru [9780822322467]
【4周达】Local Histories/Global Designs: Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking [9780691156095]
【4周达】Peasants on Plantations: Subaltern Strategies of Labor and Resistance in the Pisco Valley, Peru [9780822322290]
【4周达】Trans-Americanity: Subaltern Modernities, Global Coloniality, and the Cultures of Greater Me... [9780822350835]
【4周达】Subaltern Geographies [9780820354590]
【4周达】Trans-Americanity: Subaltern Modernities, Global Coloniality, and the Cultures of Greater Me... [9780822350644]
【4周达】The Latin American Subaltern Studies Reader [9780822327127]