儿童共情:特点、归因与培养:characteristics, attribution and cultivation书颜志强 社会科学书籍
按需印刷Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare:A New Attribution Method[9780367137823]
按需印刷Implementation of a Performance Attribution System in a Funds Management Company[9783838686691]
预订Perceived Justice, Service Failure Attribution, Disconfirmation and Recovery Satisfaction among Subs
按需印刷DEG Junktion in der Attribution[9783110414776]
预订Versification and Authorship Attribution
【预售】Attribution, Communication Behavior, and Close
【预售】Self-Awareness & Causal Attribution: A Dual Systems
【预售】Causal Attribution - From Cognitive Processes To
【预售】New Models, New Extensions of Attribution Theory:
【预售】The Attribution of Blame: Causality, Responsibility
【预售】Attribution Theory
【预售】Performance Evaluation and Attribution of Security
【预售】Investment Performance Attribution
【预售】Evaluating the Complex: Attribution, Contribution
【预售】Attribution Theory: Applications to Achievement,
【预售】New Directions in Attribution Research: Volume 1
【预售】Artificial Intelligence Tools for Cyber Attribution
【预售】Fiction of Unknown or Questionable Attribution, 2: Peppa and Alcander and Philocrates
【预订】Machine Learning for Authorship Attribution and Cyber Forensics
【预订】An Introduction to Attribution Processes
【预订】Social Cognition, Inference, and Attribution
【预订】Advances in the Practice of Public Investment Management: Portfolio Modelling, Performance Attribution and...
【预订】Attribution in International Law and Arbitration
海外直订Attribution of Profits to Permanent Establishments in the OECD-View 经合组织观点中的常设机构利润归属
【预订】Attribution of Advanced Persistent Threats 9783662613153
海外直订Artificial Intelligence Tools for Cyber Attribution 归因的人工智能工具
海外直订Attribution Theory in the Organizational Sciences: Theoretical and Empirical Con 组织科学中的归因理论:理论
现货 Fixed Income Attribution【中商原版】
现货 Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement And Attribution 2E【中商原版】
海外直订Machine Learning Methods for Stylometry: Authorship Attribution and Author Profi 文体学的机器学习方法:作者归属
【预订】Versification and Authorship Attribution 9788024648712
海外直订Chances and Challenges of Computer Assisted Authorship Attribution 计算机辅助作者归因的机遇与挑战
海外直订Attribution Modelling in Google Analytics and Beyond 谷歌分析中的归因模型
【预订】Junktion in der Attribution 9783110414776
【预订】Porcelain Analysis and Its Role in the Forensic Attribution of Ceram 9783030809546
海外直订Attribution: Social and Cyber Spaces 归属:社交和空间
【预订】Theatre History, Attribution Studies, and the Question of Evidence 9781009227414
【预售按需印刷】Character Level Authorship Attribution of Turkish Texts
【预售 按需印刷】Children s Attribution of Emotions to Sociomoral Events
预售 按需印刷 Junktion in der Attribution
【预售 按需印刷】Fixed Income Attribution
【预售 按需印刷】Studyguide for Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution by Bacon Carl R. ISBN 9
预售 按需印刷Performancemessung und -attribution德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】Authorship Attribution in Modern Persian Prose
【预售 按需印刷】A Corpus-Based Analysis of Using Function Words in English Forensic Authorship Attribution
儿童共情:特点、归因与培养:characteristics, attribution and cultivation 颜志强 社会科学书籍
海外直订Theatre History, Attribution Studies, and the Question of Evidence 戏剧史、归因研究和证据问题
[预订]Malware Data Science: Attack Detection and Attribution 9781593278595
书籍正版 儿童共情:特点、归因与培养:characteristics, attribution and cul 颜志强 中国社会科学出版社 社会科学 9787522715933
海外直订Versification and Authorship Attribution 版本和作者归属
[预订]Implementation of a Performance Attribution System in a Funds Management Company: With Regard to Sup 9783838686691
[预订]Corporate Attribution in Private Law 9781509941353
[预订]Corporate Attribution in Private Law 9781509941827
海外直订Migration and Citizenship Attribution 移民与公民归因
海外直订Fiction of Unknown or Questionable Attribution, ... 来历不明或可疑的小说,第2卷:佩奇、阿尔坎达和斐洛克拉底
海外直订Attribution 归因
海外直订Social Cognition, Inference, and Attribution 社会认知、推断和归因
海外直订Introduction to Attribution Processes 归因过程概论
[预订]Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) foods: attribution, characterization and monitoring 9789251369838
海外直订Believing You Can Is the First Step to Achieving: A CBT and Attribution Retraini 相信你可以是实现的第一步:
海外直订New Models, New Extensions of Attribution Theory: The Third Attribution-Personal 归因理论的新模式、新延伸:
海外直订Attribution, Delayed Attribution and Covert Cyber-Attack: Under What Conditions 归因、延迟归因和隐蔽攻
海外直订Migration and Citizenship Attribution: Politics and Policies in Western Europe 移民和公民归因:西欧的政治和
预订 Porcelain Analysis and Its Role in the Forensic Attribution of Ceramic Specimens
预订 Machine Learning for Authorship Attribution and Cyber Forensics
预订 Attribution of Radiation Health Effects And Inference of Radiation Risks
海外直订Attribution Theory 归因理论
海外直订Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare: A New Attribution Method 培根对莎士比亚的贡献:一种新的归因方
海外直订Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare: A New Attribution Method 弗朗西斯·培根对莎士比亚的贡献:一种新
预订 Look Around You: Volume 11: British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization Series: 9798750097050
预订 The Thirsty Arabia: Volume 5: British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization Series: 9798750070657
预订 Nobody and Somebody: Volume 13: British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization Series: 9798750116645
预订 Captain Underwit: Volume 14: British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization Series: 9798750120437
预订 Hamlet: The First Quarto: Volume 12: British Renaissance Re-Attribution and Modernization Series: 9798750113255
预订 Komplexe Attribution: Ein Nominalstilphänomen aus sprachhistorischer, grammatischer, typologischer und funktionals
【4周达】1878 P 7 Tail Feather Morgan Dollar Attribution Guide [9798990297043]
【4周达】Performance Evaluation and Attribution of Security Portfolios [9780127444833]
【4周达】Secondary Rules of Primary Importance in International Law: Attribution, Causality, Evidence... [9780192869012]
【4周达】The Measure of Mind: Propositional Attitudes and Their Attribution [9780199211258]
【4周达】Attribution in International Law and Arbitration [9780198844648]
【4周达】The Measure of Mind: Propositional Attitudes and Their Attribution [9780199585533]
【4周达】Investment Performance Attribution: A Guide to What it is, How to Calculate it and How to Us... [9780071408851]
【4周达】New Models, New Extensions of Attribution Theory : The Third Attribution-Personality Theory ... [9780387974927]
【4周达】Self-Representation : The Second Attribution-Personality Theory Conference, CSPP-LA, 1986 [9780387968629]
【4周达】Attribution, Communication Behavior, and Close Relationships: - Attribution, Communication B... [9780521177276]
预订 Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare : A New Attribution Method [9780367225445]
【4周达】Attribution, Communication Behavior, and Close Relationships: - Attribution, Communication B... [9780521770897]
【4周达】Fiction of Unknown or Questionable Attribution, 2: Peppa and Alcander and Philocrates: Print... [9780754609872]
预订 Francis Bacon's Contribution to Shakespeare : A New Attribution Method [9780367137823]
【4周达】Attribution: Social and Cyber Spaces [9780578634678]
【4周达】Attribution Theory : Applications to Achievement, Mental Health, and Interpersonal Conflict [9780805805314]
【4周达】Causal Attribution - From Cognitive Processes To Collective Beliefs [Wiley心理学] [9780631171652]
【4周达】Fixed Income Attribution [Wiley金融] [9780470011751]
【4周达】Consciousness and Intentionality: Models and Modalities of Attribution [9780792359074]