按需印刷Model-Based Processing:An Applied Subspace Identification Approach[9781119457763]
【预售】Subspace Identification for Linear Systems: Theory
【预售】Modern Approaches to the Invariant-Subspace Problem
【预售】Subspace Correction Methods for Linear Elasticity
【预售】Speech Enhancement: A Signal Subspace Perspective
【预售】Subspace Learning of Neural Networks
【预售】Novel Fisher Subspace Based Classifiers
【预订】Subspace Methods for Pattern Recogni...
【预订】Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low...
【预售】Network Coding and Subspace Designs...
【预售】Subspace Methods for System Identification
【预售】Model-Based Processing: an Applied Subspace Identification Approach
【预售】Network Coding and Subspace Designs
【预订】Krylov Subspace Methods with Application in Incompressible Fluid Flow Solvers
【预订】Krylov Subspace Methods
【预订】Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection
【预订】Multilinear Subspace Learning
海外直订Network Coding and Subspace Designs 编码与子空间设计
海外直订Subspace Identification for Linear Systems: Theory -- Implementation -- Applicat 线性系统的子空间识别:理论
海外直订Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment 智能环境下模式识别的子空间方法
海外直订Subspace Methods for System Identification 系统辨识的子空间方法
海外直订Subspace Survivors 子空间幸存者
海外直订Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection: Statistical and Optimization P 子空间,潜在结构和特征选择
预售 按需印刷 Model Based Processing Subspace C
[预订]Krylov Subspace Methods for Linear Systems
海外直订Krylov Subspace Methods for Linear Systems: Principles of Algorithms 线性系统的Krylov子空间方法:算法原理
海外直订Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low-Rank Optimization: Theory and Applications 基于低秩优化的鲁棒子空间估
海外直订Subspace Learning of Neural Networks 神经的子空间学习
海外直订Modern Approaches to the Invariant-Subspace Problem 不变子空间问题的现代方法
议价 TAL SubSpace 2002R Remote Clie
海外直订Structural Subspace 结构的子空间
SMH subspace全新六卡平台双CPU 主板 机箱 主--议价商品
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