The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors 英文原版建议书:学术作者指南
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中国国防:西方学术话语:westen scholarly discourses施旭 军事书籍
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按需印刷Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices:A Global Comparative Approach[9781107105980]
按需印刷Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices:A Global Comparative Approach[9781107513860]
按需印刷Scholarly Crimes and Misdemeanors:Violations of Fairness and Trust in the Academic World[9781138504127]
按需印刷Beyond Balkanism:The Scholarly Politics of Region Making[9780815376705]
按需印刷Scholarly Principles in Teacher Education[9783830932642]
按需印刷Digital Humanities and Scholarly Research Trends in the Asia-Pacific[9781522571957]
按需印刷Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods[9781466674097]
预订The Book Proposal Book:A Guide for Scholarly Authors
按需印刷The Future of Scholarly Publishing[9781013288661]
按需印刷Finding Time for your Scholarly Writing[9781912040704]
按需印刷Seeking Impact and Visibility. Scholarly Communication in Southern Africa[9781920677510]
按需印刷Liberating Scholarly Writing[9781641135870]
按需印刷The EdD and the Scholarly Practitioner[9781681235417]
按需印刷Open Access and the Future of Scholarly Communication[9781442273016]
预订Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Library Science, Information Management, and Scholarly In
按需印刷Open Access and the Future of Scholarly Communication[9781442275034]
按需印刷Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods (hc)[9781641130264]
按需印刷The EdD and the Scholarly Practitioner(HC)[9781681235424]
按需印刷Managing Knowledge and Scholarly Assets in Academic Libraries[9781522517412]
按需印刷Transforming Scholarly Publishing With Blockchain Technologies and AI[9781799855897]
按需印刷Liberating Scholarly Writing[9781641135887]
按需印刷Scholarly Communication and the Publish or Perish Pressures of Academia[9781522516972]
按需印刷Handbook of Research on Developing Students' Scholarly Dispositions in Higher Education[9781799872672]
按需印刷Open Access and the Future of Scholarly Communication[9781442275027]
按需印刷Research 2.0 and the Impact of Digital Technologies on Scholarly Inquiry[9781522508304]
按需印刷Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods Across Disciplines[9781522577300]
按需印刷Scholarly Executions[9781420854893]
按需印刷DGYT Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication[9783110578607]
按需印刷TF Scholarly Research in Music[9780367722166]
预订Scholarly Research in Music:Shared and Disciplinary-Specific Practices
按需印刷DGYT Developing International EFL ESL Scholarly Writers[9781614513780]
预订How to be a Historian:Scholarly Personae in Historical Studies, 1800-2000
预订Scholarly Communications:A History from Content as King to Content as Kingmaker
预订Scholarly Milton
预订Machine Translation and Global Research:Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community
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按需印刷TF Scholarly Podcasting[9780367439422]
预订The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing
按需印刷TF Scholarly Podcasting[9780367439446]
【预售】Writing for Scholarly Publication
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【预售】Scholarly Publishing: Books, Journals
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【预售】A Guide to Publishing in Scholarly Communication
【预售】Scholarly Practice, Participatory Design and the
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【预售】Winning Reviews: A Guide for Evaluating Scholarly
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【预售】Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication
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【预售】Faculty Members’ Scholarly Learning ...
The Handbook Of Scholarly Writing And Publishing
【预售】Correcting the Scholarly Record for Research Integrity
【预售】Scholarly Crimes and Misdemeanors
【预售】Practice-Based Scholarly Inquiry and the DNP Project, Second Edition
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【预售】Enhancing Scholarly Work on Teaching and Learning
【预订】Scholarly Content and Its Evolution by Scientometric Indicators
【预订】Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Library Science, Information Management, and Scholarly Inquiry
【预订】Research 2.0 and the Impact of Digital Technologies on Scholarly Inquiry
【预订】Managing Knowledge and Scholarly Assets in Academic Libraries
【预订】Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods Across Disciplines
【预订】Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Research Methods
【预订】Scholarly Communication and the Publish or Perish Pressures of Academia
现货 薇拉 凯瑟 迷途的女人 Scholarly Edition 英文原版 A Lost Lady Willa Cather【中商原版】
【预订】Scholarly Ethics and Publishing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
现货 薇拉·凯瑟 啊 拓荒者! Scholarly Edition 英文原版 O Pioneers! Willa Cather【中商原版】
【预订】Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices
【预订】Scholarly Information Discovery in the Networked Academic Learning Environment
【预订】Novice Writers and Scholarly Publication
【预订】Novice Writers and Scholarly Publication: Authors, Mentors, Gatekeepers
【预订】The Growth of the Scholarly Publishing Industry in the U.S.
【预订】The Growth of the Scholarly Publishing Industry in the U.S.: A Business History of a Changing Marketplace,...
【预订】The Future of Scholarly Writing
【预订】Medicine as a Scholarly Field: An Introduction