Powerful Predators by Tim Knight平装Heinemann Librar
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正版包邮 *对托马斯·罗伯特 马尔萨斯的《人口原理论文》的分析 An Analysis of on the Principle of Population Macat Librar
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Oxford Bookworms Library: Level 1:: Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings: - Oxford Bookworms Librar... [9780194789202]
【4周达】The Alphabet Odyssey: Discovering the Magic Within Books and Letters in the Enchanted Librar... [9789189476844]
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【预订】Expect More: Demanding Better Librar...
海外直订Passion: The Life and Loves of Alexander Hamilton 1: Book 1: The Islands (Librar 激情:亚历山大·汉密尔顿的生
【4周达】H. G. Wells Double Feature - The Invisible Man and The Island of Dr. Moreau (Reader's Librar... [9781954839229]
【4周达】Little Miss HISTORY Travels to Hyde Park, Home of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: Presidential Librar... [9780998915456]
【预订】DK Eyewitness Books: Weather (Librar...
海外直订Johann Sebastian Bach - French Suites * English Suites Complete: Schirmer Librar 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫-法国
预订Three Centuries of a City Library an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Norwich Public Librar
【4周达】The Indictment of Mary Queen of Scots: As Derived from a Manuscript in the University Librar... [9781107694248]
海外直订The Library of Home Economics: The House, Its Plan, Decoration and Care / by Isa The Librar
海外直订He Saga Librar 贺传奇图书馆
【预售】Disaster Recovery for Archives, Librar
海外直订Catalogue of the Coptic Manuscripts in the Collection of the John Rylands Librar 曼彻斯特John R
海外直订Genrefication 101: A School Librarian's Quick Guide on How to Genrefy the Librar 分类101:学校图书管理员如何
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海外直订His Last Bow - Some Later Reminiscences - The Sherlock Holmes Collector's Librar 他的最后一鞠躬——一些后来
【4周达】Peter Tchaikovsky (Revised Edition) (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) (Librar... [9780531228685]
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海外直订Role of Conference Literature in Sci-Tech Librar... 会议文献在科技图书馆中的作用
【4周达】Walt Disney's Donald Duck: christmas on Bear Mountain (the Complete Carl Barks Disney Librar... [9781606996973]
海外直订Extra-Help Librarians: A Guide for Success at Public, Academic and School Librar 额外帮助图书馆员:公共图书馆、
【4周达】Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge: the Seven Cities of Gold (the Complete Carl Barks Disney Librar... [9781606997956]
【4周达】Tarzan - In The City of Gold (Vol. 1): The Complete Burne Hogarth Sundays and Dailies Librar... [9781781163177]
海外直订Partnering with Purpose: A Guide to Strategic Partnership Development for Librar 宗旨合作:图书馆和其他组织
海外直订Catalogue of the Principal English Books in Circulation at Mudie's Select Librar 穆迪精选图书馆主要流通英文
【预售】Integrating Print and Digital Resources in Librar
预订 C++ Reactive Programming: Design concurrent and asynchronous applications using the RxCpp librar... [9781788629775]
海外直订Education, Values and Mind (International Librar... 《教育、价值观与心灵》(国际教育哲学图书馆第6卷)
海外直订Aims of Education Restated (International Librar... 重述教育的目的(国际教育哲学图书馆第22卷)
海外直订Gather 'Round the Table: Food Literacy Programs, Resources, and Ideas for Librar 围坐在桌子旁:食物扫盲计划
海外直订The New Graduate Experience: Post-MLS Residency Programs and Early Career Librar 新的毕业生经历:MLS后实习
海外直订Planning Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery for Digital Assets: The Innovative Librar 为数字资产规划基于云的灾难
海外直订Integrating Total Quality Management in a Librar... 在图书馆环境中整合全面质量管理
海外直订Going Beyond Loaning Books to Loaning Technologies: A Practical Guide for Librar 从借书到借书技术:图书馆员
海外直订Getting the Money: How to Succeed in Fundraising for Public and Nonprofit Librar 获得资金:如何成功地为公共
【预售】Breakthrough Branding: Positioning Your Librar...
[预订]Onboarding 2.0: Methods of Designing and Deploying Effective Onboarding Training for Academic Librar 9781536147476
海外直订Aristotle: Texts and Commentaries to 17 in the University of Pennsylvania Librar 亚里士多德:宾夕法尼亚大学
海外直订Digital Literacy and Digital Inclusion: Information Policy and the Public Librar 数字素养与数字包容:信息政
海外直订The Letters and Papers of Jan Hendrik Oort: As Archived in the University Librar 简·亨德里克·奥尔特的信件和
海外直订Integrating the Web into Everyday Library Services: A Practical Guide for Librar 将融入日常图书馆服务:
【预售】Time and Project Management Strategies for Librar
海外直订Jcdl '18: Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE on Joint Conference on Digital Librar JCDL'18:第1
【预售】Multilingual Glossary for Art Librar...
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IBM 磁带库TS3100 3573-L2U Librar(议价商品)
【4周达】An Introduction To Bayesian Inference In Econometerics, Paper Edition (Wiley Classics Librar... [9780471169376]
IBM 磁带库TS3100 3573-L2U Librar【议价】
【预订】Handbook of Research on Inventive Digital Tools for Collection Management and Development in Modern Librar...
海外直订Handbook of Research on Digital Devices for Inclusivity and Engagement in Librar 图书馆包容性和参与性数字设
IBM 磁带库TS3100 3573-L2U Librar,询价
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