科学家海报 拉瓦锡 Lavoisier 近代化学之父 法国化学家名人挂图
BM 036 - Lavoisier
海外直订Lavoisier: the Father of the Modern Chemistry 拉瓦锡:现代化学之父
【预售】Antoine Lavoisier: Founder of Modern Chemistry
现货 诺顿伟大发现系列 死于理性 拉瓦锡与法国大革命 英文原版 Lavoisier in the Year One Madison Smartt Bell【中商原版】
现货 化学基础论 豆瓣阅读 英文原版 Elements of Chemistry Antoine Lavoisier【中商原版】
【4周达】Lavoisier in the Year One: The Birth of a New Science in an Age of Revolution [9780393328547]
预售 按需印刷Des Herrn Lavoisier Abhandlungen Ueber Die Wirkung Des Durch Die Lebensluft Verstarkten Feuers (1787德语ger
【4周达】Lavoisier--The Crucial Year: The Background and Origin of His First Experiments on Combustio... [9781501746635]
海外直订Life of Lavoisier 拉瓦锡的生活
按需印刷Lavoisier, 1743-1794[9781104138202]
【预售】Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year: Or, the
【4周达】Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry : (Lavoisier to Sanger) [9789814689922]
海外直订Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year: Or, the Sources of His Quantitative Me 安托万·拉瓦锡:下一个关键的一
【4周达】Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year: Or, the Sources of His Quantitative Method in Chem... [9780691605920]
【4周达】Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist [9780812216493]
【4周达】Antoine Lavoisier: Science, Administration and Revolution - Antoine Lavoisier: Science, Admi... [9780521566728]
【4周达】Lives and Times of Great Pioneers in Chemistry : (Lavoisier to Sanger) [9789814689052]
【4周达】Vortrage UEber Die Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Chemie Von Lavoisier Bis Zur Gegenwart [9783663198321]
【4周达】Antoine Laurent Lavoisier [9783322003195]
预订 Lavoisier
【4周达】Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year: Or, the Sources of His Quantitative Method in Chem... [9780691634791]
【4周达】A Critique of Psychoanalytic Reason: Hypnosis as a Scientific Problem from Lavoisier to Lacan [9780804719506]
【4周达】Lavoisier : System der antiphlogistischen Chemie [9783662672563]
【预订】Antoine Lavoisier: The Next Crucial Year
预订 The Arsenal of Eighteenth-Century Chemistry: The Laboratories of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) 18世纪化学的