【新华书店旗舰店官网】语义学:第四版=Semantics (Fourth Edition):英文 正版书籍包邮
Semantics语意启润小光圈50倍PA+++防晒喷雾180ml 拍二发三
Semantics-driven Synthesis(语义驱动的生成技术) 语义驱动 北京理工大学出版社
计算语言学概论:卷:2::语义、篇章、应用:Semantics,discourse and applications 社会科学书籍
正版 计算语言学概论:第二卷:2::语义、篇章、应用:Semantics,discourse an ppictons (叙)Mohamed Zakaria Kurdi著
书籍正版 计算语言学概论:卷:2::语义、篇章、应用:Semantics,discourse and appl 外语教学与研究出版社 社会科学 9787521343168
计算语言学概论:第二卷:2::语义、篇章、应用:Semantics,discourse an ppictons9787521343168外语教学与研究出版社
海外直订Adaptive Semantics Visualization 自适应语义可视化
海外直订Operators for Similarity Search: Semantics, Techniques and Usage Scenarios 相似搜索的操作符:语义,技术和使用场景
按需印刷Semantics for Counting and Measuring[9781107001275]
海外直订Semantics, Metasemantics, Aboutness 语义学,元语义学,关于性
海外直订Video Game Translation and Cognitive Semantics 电子游戏翻译与认知语义学
海外直订Computational Linguistics and Formal Semantics 计算语言学与形式语义学
海外直订The Role of Data at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 数据在语义语用界面中的作用
海外直订Script-Based Semantics: Foundations and Applications. Essays in Honor of Victor 基于脚本的语义:基础和应用
海外直订Semantics, Pragmatics and Meaning Revisited: The Case of Conditionals 语义学、语用学与意义再探:条件句
海外直订Nonverbal Predication: Copular Sentences at the Syntax-Semantics Interface 非言语谓语:句法语义界面上的联结
海外直订Parts and Wholes in Semantics 语义学中的部分与整体
海外直订Generalized Jeffrey Conditionalization: A Frequentist Semantics of Partial Condi 广义Jeffrey条件化:部分
海外直订Chinese Lexical Semantics: 16th Workshop, Clsw 2015, Beijing, China, May 9-11, 2 中文词汇语义学:第16届研讨
海外直订Metadata and Semantics Research: 8th Research Conference, Mtsr 2014, Karlsruhe, 元数据和语义研究:第八届研
海外直订Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics 谓词演算与程序语义
海外直订The Semantics of Polysemy 多义词的语义
海外直订Semantics and the Lexicon 语义学与词汇
海外直订Advances in Web Semantics I: Ontologies, Web Services and Applied Semantic Web Web语义研究进展I:本体、Web
海外直订Predicate Transformer Semantics 谓词转换语义
海外直订Semantics of the Probabilistic Typed Lambda Calculus: Markov Chain Semantics, Te 概率类型化Lambda演算的语
海外直订Semantics of Type Theory: Correctness, Completeness and Independence Results 类型理论的语义学:正确性、完备
海外直订Semantics of Genitive Objects in Russian: A Study of Genitive of Negation and In 俄语属格宾语的语义:否定属格和
按需印刷The Semantics of Compounding[9781107099708]
海外直订Semantics for Counting and Measuring 计数和测量的语义
按需印刷Web Semantics for Textual and Visual Information Retrieval[9781522524830]
海外直订The Semantics of Nominalizations Across Languages and Frameworks 跨语言和框架的名词化语义
海外直订Visual Analysis of Behaviour: From Pixels to Semantics 行为的视觉分析:从像素到语义
海外直订Discourse Particles: Formal Approaches to Their Syntax and Semantics 话语助词
海外直订Concrete Semantics: With Isabelle/Hol 具体语义:与Isabelle/Hol
海外直订Journal on Data Semantics XI 数据语义学学报11
海外直订Linguistic Semantics 语言语义学
海外直订Combinatorial Algebra: Syntax and Semantics 组合代数:语法和语义
海外直订Implicit and Explicit Semantics Integration in P... 基于证明的离散系统发展中的隐式和显式语义集成
海外直订Cognitive Semantics of Artificial Intelligence: A New Perspective 人工智能的认知语义学:一个新视角
海外直订Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics 超越语义学和语用学
海外直订Introduction to Montague Semantics 蒙太古语义学导论
海外直订The Semantics of Evidentials 证据的语义
海外直订Computational Semantics with Functional Programming 计算语义学与函数编程
海外直订Game-Theoretical Semantics: Essays on Semantics by Hintikka, Carlson, Peacocke, 博弈论语义学:辛提卡、卡尔
海外直订Computation of Language: An Essay on Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Natural 语言的计算:自然人机交流中的句
海外直订Semantics in Text Processing: Step 2008 Conference Proceedings 文本处理中的语义:Step 2008会议论文集
海外直订Processes, Beliefs, and Questions: Essays on Formal Semantics of Natural Languag 过程、信念和问题:关于自然
海外直订Semantics of Natural Language 自然语言语义学
按需印刷Syntax and Semantics of Discourse Markers[9781441172501]
海外直订Web Semantics for Textual and Visual Information Retrieval 文本和视觉信息检索的Web语义
海外直订Complementizer Semantics in European Languages 欧洲语言中的补语语义
海外直订Chinese Lexical Semantics: 20th Workshop, Clsw 2019, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 《汉语词汇语义学:第二十届
海外直订Transformational Syntax and Model Theoretic Semantics: A Case Study in Modern Ir 转换句法与模型论语义学:现
按需印刷A General Algebraic Semantics for Sentential Logics[9781107167971]
海外直订Neuromimetic Semantics: Coordination, Quantification, and Collective Predicates 神经模拟语义学:协调、量化和集体
海外直订Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Text Generation 多语言文本生成中的词汇语义和知识
海外直订Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology: The Development of -Hood, -Dom and 词汇语义与历时形态:
海外直订Syntax and Semantics of Discourse Markers 话语标记语的句法和语义
海外直订Semantics and Morphosyntactic Variation: Qualities and the Grammar of Property C 语义与形态句法变异:属性概
海外直订Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers: The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface 标量修饰语的语用方面:语义-语用接
海外直订Metadata and Semantics Research: 10th International Conference, Mtsr 2016, G?tti 元数据和语义研究:第十届国
按需印刷Quantitative Semantics and Soft Computing Methods for the Web[9781609608811]
海外直订Vector Semantics 向量的语义
海外直订Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering: AAMAS 2009 Inter 面向服务的计算:代理、语义
按需印刷DGYT Cultural Semantics and Social Cognition[9783110294606]
按需印刷DGYT Quantitative Methods in Cognitive Semantics: Corpus Driven Approaches[9783110226416]
海外直订Refinement: Semantics, Languages and Applications 细化:语义、语言和应用
按需印刷DGYT The Semantics of Polysemy[9783110183979]
预售 按需印刷 Language Change at the Syntax Semantics Interface
海外直订Introducing Semantics 引入语义学
海外直订Fathoming Formal Logic: Vol II: Semantics and Proof Theory for Predicate Logic 形式逻辑的探索:第二卷:谓词
海外直订Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment to Theory 语义学与语用学:从实验到理论
按需印刷The Semantics of Desire[9780691612515]
预售 按需印刷 The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages
海外直订Particle Semantics in English Phrasal and Prepositional Verbs 英语短语和介词动词中的粒子语义
预售 按需印刷Semantics
海外直订English Phrasal Verbs in Ontological Semantics 本体语义学中的英语短语动词