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【预售】Institutionalizing a Broader View of Scholarship
【预售】Minds of Our Own: Inventing Feminist Scholarship and
【预售】Knowing the Amorous Man: A History of Scholarship on
【预售】Revisiting the Contracts Scholarship of Stewart
【预售】Correspondences: Medievalism in Scholarship and the
【预售】The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher
【预售】Ancient Scholarship and Grammar: Archetypes
【预售】Eye on the Future: Popular Culture Scholarship Into
【预售】Enhancing Learning Through The Scholarship Of
【预售】Textual Scholarship: An Introduction
【预售】How to Win a Soccer Scholarship Worth Thousands
【预售】Texts, Ideas, and the Classics: Scholarship, Theory,
【预售】Worlds Made by Words: Scholarship and Community in
【预售】Methodological Choice and Design: Scholarship
【预售】Radiology Education: The Scholarship of Teaching and
【预售】African Gender Scholarship: Concepts, Methodologies
【预售】The Scholarship of Teaching and Lear...
【预售】Six SIGMA Tennis: College Scholarship Guide
【预售】J.R.R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and
【预售】Feminist Issues in Literary Scholarship
【预售】Teaching On Solid Ground: Using Scholarship To
【预售】Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and
【预售】Homer: German Scholarship in Translation
【预售】Women, Scholarship and Criticism C. 1790
【预售】A History of Classical Scholarship: From the Revival
【预售】Confessions of a Scholarship Winner
【预售】Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation Of The
【预售】How to Get Your Child an Athletic Scholarship: The
【预售】The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in and A
【预售】Get Recruited for a Football Scholarship: (What 9
【预售】Robin Hood: An Anthology of Scholarship and
【预售】A History of Classical Scholarship: From the End of
【预售】The Future of the Commercial Contract in Scholarship and Law Reform
【预售】Ancient Greek Scholarship: A Guide to Finding
【预售】Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Le...
【预售】Practising Public Scholarship - Experiences And
【预售】The Athletic Recruiting & Scholarship Guide for High
【预售】American Folklore Scholarship
【预售】Scholarship Unbound
【预售】The African American Scholarship Guide
【预售】A History of Classical Scholarship: The Eighteenth
【预订】Emerging Methods and Paradigms in Scholarship and Education Research
【预售】The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship: A
【预售】Earn a Debt-Free College Degree!: No Scholarship?
【预售】Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk
【预售】The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered
【预订】New Voices in Higher Education Research and Scholarship
【预售】Transforming Scholarship: Why Women's
【预售】The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory, and the Environment
【预售】Iranian Folk Narrative: A Survey of Scholarship
【预售】The Scholarship Club Guide II: Findi...
【预售】Balancing Acts: The Scholarship of Teaching an...
【预订】The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
【预售】Design as Scholarship
【预售】Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities
【预订】Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era
【预售】Research Methodologies and Sports Scholarship
【预售】Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities Of The Professoriate, Expanded Edition
【预售】Textual Scholarship
【预售】The Future of Feminist Eighteenth-Century Scholarship
【预订】Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Criminology
【预售】Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teac...
【预售】Toward a Scholarship of Practice: Ne...
【预售】Seeking the Senses in Physical Culture: Sensuous Scholarship in Action
【预订】Dickinson Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography 1969-1985
【预订】Dickinson Scholarship
【预订】Evidence-Based Faculty Development Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
【预售】Emerging Practices in Scholarship of Learning and Teaching in a Digital Era
【预订】Feeling and Classical Philology: Knowing Antiquity in German Scholarship, 1770-1920
【预售】Employability via Higher Education: Sustainability as Scholarship
【预订】How to Write a Winning Scholarship E...
【预订】Rethinking Difference in Music Scholarship
【预售】The Forgotten Chaucer Scholarship of Mary Eliza Haweis, 1848–1898
【预订】Between Scholarship and Church Politics 9780192896100
【预订】Preparing Students for Community-Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education
【预订】The Greek Gods in Modern Scholarship
【预订】Handbook of Research on Positive Scholarship for Global K-20 Education
【预订】Making Sense of Literacy Scholarship 9780367634001
【预订】The Oxford Handbook of Methods for Public Scholarship
【预订】Literary Scholarship in Late Imperial Russia (1870s-1917)
【预订】Making Sense of Literacy Scholarship 9780367645663
【预售 按需印刷】Foundations of Engaged Scholarship
【预订】Introduction to Scholarship 9780190741464
【预售 按需印刷】The Elusive Full Ride Scholarship
【预订】Islam and the Arabs in Spanish Scholarship 9780674251694
【预售 按需印刷】Evidence-Based Faculty Development Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)