海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Distribu 利用正式方法、验证和确认的
海外直订Solving the Change Paradox by Means of Trust: Leveraging the Power of Trust to P 通过信任解决变革悖论:利用
海外直订Conceptual Structures: Leveraging Semantic Technologies: 17th International Conf 概念结构:利用语义技术:第
海外直订Leveraging Big Data Analytics to Improve Military Recruiting 利用大数据分析改进军事招募
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Third In 利用正式方法的应用、验证和
按需印刷图书Enhancing Enterprise Intelligence: Leveraging ERP, CRM, SCM, PLM, BPM, and BI[9781498705974]
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Modeling 利用正式方法、验证和确认的
预订Virtual Selling:A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Re
【新华文轩】Virtual Selling - A Quick-Start Guide To Leveraging Video Based Technology To Engage Remote Buyers A
按需印刷Leveraging Digital Transformation[9781950241521]
预订Leveraging the Impact of 360-Degree Feedback
海外直订Leveraging Your Network: Job Search Strategies That Work 利用你的人际:有效的求职策略
海外直订Analysis of Manufacturing Enterprises: An Approach to Leveraging Value Delivery 制造企业分析:利用价值交付
按需印刷Leveraging Disability Sport Events:Impacts, Promises, and Possibilities[9781138090781]
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按需印刷The Circle of Leadership:A Framework for Creating and Leveraging Culture[9781641379083]
海外直订Methods for Analyzing and Leveraging Online Learning Data 分析和利用在线学习数据的方法
海外直订Funder's Guide to Evaluation: Leveraging Evaluation to Improve Nonprofit Effecti 资助者评估指南:利用评估提
海外直订Frugal Innovation and Its Implementation: Leveraging Constraints to Drive Innova 低成本创新及其实施:利用约束推
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海外直订Managing Collaborative R&d Projects: Leveraging Open Innovation Knowledge-Flows 管理协同研发项目:利用开放
海外直订Tech with Heart: Leveraging Technology to Empower Student Voice, Ease Anxiety, a 核心技术:利用技术增强学生
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预订 【进口原版图书】Instagram Marketing: A beginners guide to leveraging social media marketing, inf... [9781761032394]
海外直订Cyber Security. Simply. Make It Happen.: Leveraging Digitization Through It Secu 安全。仅仅让它发生通过
海外直订Social Information Seeking: Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd 社交信息寻求:利用群体智慧
海外直订Pro Java 9 Games Development: Leveraging the Javafx APIs 专业Java 9游戏开发:利用Javafx api
按需印刷Leveraging Computer-Mediated Marketing Environments[9781522573449]
预订Coaching Across Cultures:New Tools for Leveraging National, Corporate and Professional Differences
按需印刷Leveraging Technology to Improve School Safety and Student Wellbeing[9781799817666]
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预订Emotional Banking:Fixing Culture, Leveraging FinTech, and Transforming Retail Banks into Brands
海外直订Ontology-Based Data Access Leveraging Subjective Reports 利用主观报告的基于本体的数据访问
海外直订Leveraging Services for Development: Prospects and Policies 利用服务促进发展:前景和政策
按需印刷Leveraging Cultural Diversity in Emerging Markets[9781631573132]
海外直订Leveraging Knowledge for Innovation in Collaborative Networks: 10th Ifip Wg 5.5 利用知识促进协同创新:
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Discussi 利用形式方法的应用,验证和
海外直订Quality Implementation: Leveraging Collective Efficacy to Make What Works Actual 质量实施:利用集体效能使有效的
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation: 6th Int 利用正式方法、验证和确认的
海外直订Leadership Through Trust: Leveraging Performance and Spanning Cultural Boundarie 信任领导:利用绩效和跨越文
海外直订Leveraging Business Analysis for Project Success 利用业务分析实现项目成功
海外直订Free Agent Learning: Leveraging Students' Self-Directed Learning to Transform K- 自由代理学习:利用学生的自
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging Digital Transformation
海外直订Mobile Information Systems Leveraging Volunteered Geographic Information for Ear 利用自愿地理信息进行地球观
【预售 按需印刷】Handbook of Research on Leveraging Consumer Psychology for Effective Customer Engagement
海外直订Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack 使用Node和Express进行Web开
海外直订Decide to Lead: Building Capacity and Leveraging Change Through Decision-Making 决定领导:通过决策建立能力和利用
预售 按需印刷 Leveraging Synergies Between Refining and Petrochemical Processes
海外直订Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Per 组织数据挖掘:利用企业数据
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Speciali 利用正式方法、验证和确认的
预售 按需印刷The Trustworthy Leader: Leveraging the Power of Trust to Transform Your Organization
海外直订Virtual Reality with Vrtk4: Create Immersive VR Experiences Leveraging Unity3d a Vrtk4虚拟现实:
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging Consumer Behavior and Psychology in the Digital Economy
【4周达】Let Them See You: The Guide for Leveraging Your Diversity at Work [9780399581403]
海外直订The Circle of Leadership: A Framework for Creating and Leveraging Culture 领导圈:创造和利用文化的框架
预售 按需印刷 Leveraging ICT Penetration in Sri Lanka using Local Language
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging Computer-Mediated Marketing Environments
海外直订The Future of Leadership: Leveraging Influence in an Age of Hyper-Change 《领导力的未来:在超级变革时代发挥
预订Web Development with Node and Express:Leveraging the JavaScript Stack
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging Innovations in Multinationals
海外直订Blended Learning in Grades 4-12: Leveraging the Power of Technology to Create St 4-12年级的混合学习:利用技
英文原版 Jeb Blount 虚拟销售 Virtual Selling: A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video Technology 新时代 商业 策略
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging Cultural Diversity in Emerging Markets
预售 按需印刷 TF Enhancing Enterprise Intelligence: Leveraging ERP, CRM, S
【预售 按需印刷】Leveraging the Enterprise Brand Resonance Values
海外直订The Content Pool: Leveraging Your Company's Largest Hidden Asset 内容池:利用公司最大的隐藏资产
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Foundati 利用形式方法、验证和验证的
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technolo 利用形式化方法的应用,验证
【4周达】Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization [9780061251320]
海外直订Enhancing Enterprise Intelligence: Leveraging Erp, Crm, Scm, Plm, Bpm, and Bi 提高企业智能:利用Erp、
海外直订Leveraging Digital Transformation: Proven Leadership and Innovation Strategies t 利用数字化转型:经过验证的
海外直订Leveraging Synergies Between Refining and Petrochemical Processes 利用炼油和石化过程之间的协同作用
海外直订Institutions as Conscious Food Consumers: Leveraging Purchasing Power to Drive S 机构作为有意识的食品消费者
海外直订Leveraging Technology 利用技术
Leveraging Technology Metrics: Leading Technology Executives on Creating Companywide Standards, Selec... [9780314277657]
海外直订Organizational Behavior for School Leadership: Leveraging Your School for Succes 学校领导的组织行为学:利用
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海外直订Leveraging Cultural Diversity in Emerging Markets 利用新兴市场的文化多样性
【4周达】Leveraging Technology to Improve School Safety and Student Wellbeing [9781799817666]
预订 Instagram Marketing: A beginners guide to leveraging social media marketing, influencers, and ad... [9781761030055]
海外直订Harnessing the Supermind: Leveraging Negative Knowledge in the Age of Technologi 利用超级思维:在技术变革时
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【4周达】Leveraging Disability Sport Events: Impacts, Promises, and Possibilities [9780367520267]
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【4周达】Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowd in Software Testing [9780367378349]
海外直订Build Your Authority Platform: Leveraging Digital Marketing Strategies To Build 打造你的权威平台:利用数字
【4周达】Executive Transitions 2: Leveraging Experience For Future Success! [9781948046626]
【4周达】Tech with Heart: Leveraging Technology to Empower Student Voice, Ease Anxiety, and Create Co... [9781949595284]
【4周达】Global Supply Chain Management: Leveraging Processes, Measurements, and Tools for Strategic ... [9780071827423]
【4周达】Cyber Security. Simply. Make it Happen. : Leveraging Digitization Through IT Security [9783319835365]
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【4周达】Innovations in Psychosocial Interventions and Their Delivery: Leveraging Cutting-Edge Scienc... [9780190463281]
海外直订Beginning Build and Release Management with TFS 2017 and VSTS: Leveraging Contin 开始使用TFS 20