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【预售】Composers 伟大的作曲家:他们的生活与作品 古典音乐入门历史 英文原版
作曲家小傳 Brief Biographies of Composers 蔡淑汶 林宇和
海外直订A New Anthology of American Song: Twenty-Five Songs by Native American Composers 美国歌曲新集:25首美国本土
Amazing Composers : A2-B1 (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers)
现货 The Lives Of The Great Composers : Third Edition 英文原版 伟大作曲家的生活 Harold C Schonberg【中商原版】
预售 按需印刷 Music, Life and Changing Times: Selected Correspondence Between British Composers Elizabeth Maconchy
【按需印刷】BOOST Great Composers Coloring Book
按需印刷Bending the Rules of Music Theory:Lessons from Great Composers[9781138478237]
海外直订Piano Duets: Classical Composers 钢琴二重奏:古典作曲家
海外直订The 100 Greatest Composers and Their Musical Works: An Introduction to the Fasci 100位最伟大的作曲家及其音乐
预订YolanDa Brown's Alto Saxophone Collection:Inspirational works by black composers
按需印刷The 100 Greatest Composers and Their Musical Works[9781525537851]
按需印刷The 100 Greatest Composers and Their Musical Works[9781525537868]
【预售 按需印刷】Collaboration between Composers and Performers
海外直订Violin Music by Women Composers: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide 小提琴音乐由女性作曲家:一个生物书目指南
海外直订A Most Wondrous Babble: American Art Composers, Their Music, and the American Sc 一个奇妙的咿呀学语:美国艺术作
海外直订Composers on Music: Eight Centuries of Writings 音乐作曲家:八个世纪的作品
海外直订Flute Music by Women Composers: An Annotated Catalog 女性作曲家长笛音乐:一个注释目录
海外直订Music in the Theater: Essays on Verdi and Other Composers
海外直订The Music of Friends: 75 Years of the Chamber Music Conference and Composers' Fo 朋友的音乐:东方室内
海外直订Piano Music by Black Women Composers: A Catalog of Solo and Ensemble Works 黑人女性作曲家的钢琴音乐:独奏和
按需印刷Letters of Great Composers[9781411624047]
预订Child Composers in the Old Conservatories:How Orphans Became Elite Musicians
【预售 按需印刷】Choral Music by African-American Composers
预售 按需印刷 The 100 Greatest Composers and Their Musical Works
预订Albion's Glory:A Celebration of Twentieth Century English Composers
海外直订The Indebtedness of Handel to Works by Other Composers: A Presentation of Eviden 韩德尔对其他作曲家作品的亏
海外直订Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: C... 女性作曲家的音乐分析论文:音乐会音乐,1960-2000
预售 按需印刷 Double Lives: Film Composers in the Concert Hall
预售 按需印刷 Music Life and Changing Times: Selected Correspondence Between British Composers Elizabeth Maconchy and G
Flute Music by French Composers for Flute and Piano 进口艺术 钢琴小奏鸣曲集 希尔默原版乐谱书【中商原版】
海外直订Eight Pieces by French Composers for Saxophone: For Alto Saxophone and Piano 法国作曲家萨克斯管八曲:为中音
【4周达】The Pianist's Craft 2 : Mastering the Works of More Great Composers [9781442232655]
海外直订Dead Composers, Living Audiences: The Situation of Classical Music in the Twenty 已故的作曲家,活着的观众:2
海外直订Bending the Rules of Music Theory: Lessons from Great Composers 弯曲音乐理论的规则:伟大作曲家的教训
海外直订Keyboard Music by Women Composers: A Catalog and Bibliography 女性作曲家的键盘音乐:目录和参考书目
海外直订Mikhail Zinar's Difficult Pawn Endings: A World Champion's Favorite Composers 米哈伊尔·齐纳尔艰难的棋子结局
预订Where Are All The Black Female Composers:The U
海外直订Instant Composers Pool and Improvisation Beyond ... 即时作曲家池和即兴超越爵士乐
海外直订The 212 Most Important European Classic Music Composers Of All Time 重要的212位欧洲古典音乐作曲家
【4周达】The Indispensable Composers: A Personal Guide [9780143111085]
海外直订Aaron Marks' Complete Guide to Game Audio: For Composers, Sound Designers, Music Aaron Mark
海外直订Lies and Epiphanies: Composers and Their Inspiration from Wagner to Berg 谎言与顿悟:从瓦格纳到伯格的作曲家
【4周达】My First Book of Great Composers: 26 Themes by Bach, Beethoven, Mozart and Others in Easy Pi... [9780486427560]
【4周达】Flute Music By French Composers For Flute And Piano [9780793525768]
海外直订American Popular Song Composers 美国流行歌曲作曲家
海外直订Spoke and Node Scale Catalog: A Resource for Composers and Music Theory Nerds 辐条和规模目录:作曲家和音
【4周达】The Muse That Sings: Composers Speak about the Creative Process [9780195168129]
预订Classical Music:The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1,000 Greatest Works
Amazing Composers (Collins Amazing People ELT Readers) [9780007545025]
海外直订Best of the Great Late Romantic Composers for Flute and Guitar: Featuring the Mu 最伟大的晚期浪漫主义长笛和
【4周达】Creating Sounds from Scratch: A Practical Guide to Music Synthesis for Producers and Composers [9780199921898]
Duke Ellington (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) [9780516445403]
预订 Double Lives: Film Composers in the Concert Hall: Film Composers in the Concert Hall [9780367028879]
预订 Bending the Rules of Music Theory : Lessons from Great Composers [9781138478237]
Aaron Copland (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) [9780516445380]
【4周达】Music in the Theater: Essays on Verdi and Other Composers [9780691632797]
【4周达】Lives Of The Great Composers: Third Edition [9780349109725]
【4周达】Analytical Essays on Music by Women Composers: Secular & Sacred Music to 1900: Secular & Sac... [9780190077136]
预订 Australia's Jindyworobak Composers [9780367151409]
John Philip Sousa (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) [9780516264011]
预订 Masters of Russian Music: Biographical Studies of the Great Russian Composers [9780571296521]
【4周达】Music on Demand : Composers and Careers in the Hollywood Film Industry [9780765805089]
【4周达】Child Composers in the Old Conservatories: How Orphans Became Elite Musicians [9780190653590]
【4周达】Eight Pieces by French Composers for Saxophone: For Alto Saxophone and Piano [9781540076526]
【4周达】The Choral Music of Twentieth-Century Women Composers : Elisabeth Lutyens, Elizabeth Maconch... [9780810850293]
Leonard Bernstein (Revised Edition) (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Composers) [9780531230343]
【4周达】American Popular Song Composers : Oral Histories, 1920s-1950s [9780786465378]
【4周达】Index to Biographies of Contemporary Composers, Volume 3 [9780810819306]
【4周达】Three Connecticut Composers: The Collected Works of Oliver Brownson, Alexander Gillet, and S... [9780815327790]
【4周达】British Musical Biography: A Dictionary of Musical Artists, Authors and Composers, born in B... [9781108001885]
【4周达】Perspectives on American Composers [9780393005493]
【4周达】Art Song Composers of Spain : An Encyclopedia [9780810863620]
【4周达】Bending the Rules of Music Theory : Lessons from Great Composers [9781138478244]
【4周达】Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary, Second Edition [9780810845176]
【4周达】Composers on Music: Eight Centuries of Writings [9781555532796]
【4周达】American Women Composers before 1870 [9781878822598]
【4周达】Music in the Theater: Essays on Verdi and Other Composers [9780691603469]
【4周达】The Cello Collection 14 Pieces in First Position by 13 Composers - Easy to Intermediate Leve... [9781423406471]
【4周达】Butterfly Moments: A Composers Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment [9780988657847]
【4周达】The Indebtedness of Handel to Works by Other Composers: A Presentation of Evidence [9781107421455]