【预售】Principia Amoris: The New Science of Love
[预订]Vulnus amoris 9783110721645
海外直订Justa Edouardo King, Naufrago, ab Amicis Moerentibus, Amoris 只是爱德华金,遇难者,来自死去的朋友,爱
预订 A Commentary on Ovid, Remedia Amoris: Edited with Introduction and Commentary: 9780192894212
预订 Carmina Amoris: Pars Prima: 9781719095983
海外直订The Love Books of Ovid: Being the Amores, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Medic 奥维德的爱情书:是奥维迪乌
海外直订Liber Amoris, Or, The New Pygmalion: in large print 《爱茉莉的自由》或《新皮格马利翁》:大号印刷
海外直订Principia Amoris: The New Science of Love 爱的原理:爱的新科学
【预订】Principia Amoris
【预订】Magister Amoris: The Roman de la Rose and Vernacular Hermeneutics
海外直订Liber Amoris 爱之书
海外直订Historia Amoris: a History of Love, Ancient and Modern 爱的历史:爱情的历史,古代和现代
海外直订Liber Amoris, Or, the New Pygmalion Liber Amoris,或新皮格马利翁
海外直订The Love Books of Ovid: Being the Amores, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Medic 奥维德的爱情书:作为奥维迪
Ovid Amores, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris 诗人奥维德的爱情三论、女容良方、爱的艺术及情伤良
预订 The Art of Love: Bimillennial Essays on Ovid’s Ars Amatoria and Remedia Amoris 爱的艺术:关于奥维德两千年来的论文
【4周达】Magister Amoris ' the Roman de La Rose and Vernacular Hermeneutics ' [9780198187547]
【4周达】The Art of Love: Bimillennial Essays on Ovid's Ars Amatoria and Remedia Amoris [9780199277773]
【4周达】Dea Amoris [9798215892732]
【4周达】Nomenclator amoris oder Liebeswoerter: Ein Beitrag Zum Deutschen Woerterbuche Der Gebruder G... [9783111189000]
【4周达】Dispelling the Fog: Critical Essays in the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia [9783868385991]
【4周达】Solution 295-304: Mare Amoris [9783956795220]
【4周达】Commentary on Ovid, ^IRemedia Amoris^R: Edited with Introduction and Commentary [9780192894212]
【4周达】Ovid Amores, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris [9780198149699]
【4周达】Remedia Amoris: The Remedy of Love [9781513280257]
【4周达】'stimulus Amoris' : Inhalt, Lateinische berlieferung, Deutsche bersetzungen, Rezeption [9783484891180]
【4周达】Vulnus Amoris: The Transformations of Love's Wound in Medieval Romance Literatures [9783110721645]
【4周达】Principia Amoris : The New Science of Love [9780415641562]
【4周达】Principia Amoris: The New Science of Love [9780415641555]
预订Liber Amoris, Or, the New Pygmalion
预订Principia Amoris:The New Science of Love
海外直订Liber Amoris, Or, the New Pygmalion Liber Amoris,或者说,新皮格马利翁
海外直订Liber Amoris, Or, The New Pygmalion 利伯阿莫里斯,或者新皮格马利翁
按需印刷Liber Amoris, Or, the New Pygmalion[9783842441880]
预订【德语】 Sweet Amoris - Die Maske der Erinnerung[9782889217366]