【预售】Web Information Systems and Technolo...
【预订】Web Information Systems and Technolo...
【预售】Applications of Intelligent Technolo...
【预售】The Rare Earths in Modern Science and Technolo...
【预售】Encyclopedic Dictionary of Industrial Technolo...
【预订】Ceramics in Advanced Energy Technolo...
【预订】Chemical Reactor Design and Technolo...
【预订】Electrochemical Science and Technolo...
【预订】Terahertz (THz), Mid Infrared (MIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Technolo 9789402420845
预订 Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century - Embracing a Digital World, 3rd Edition, Book 3: Innovation, Technolo
【预售】Einfuhrung in Multimedia: Grundlagen, Technolo...
【预订】Digital by Design: Crafting Technolo...
【预订】Everyday Automation: Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technolo 9780367773380
【预售】The Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technolo
【预售】Out & about in the World of Technolo...
[预订]Smart Factory and Industry 4.0. The Current State of Application Technologies: Developing a Technolo 9783946458968
预订 The Future-Ready Brand: How the World’s Most Influential CMOS Are Navigating Societal Forces and Emerging Technolo
【预售】Smart Cities, Smart Future: Technolo...
【预订】Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technolo...
【预订】Superconductors: Conquering Technolo...
【预订】Progress in Optomechatronic Technolo...
【预订】Globalization of Low-Carbon Technolo...
【预订】Transactions on Engineering Technolo...
【预订】Medical Image Understanding Technolo...
【预订】Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technolo 9783031204289
【预售】Information, Organisation and Technolo
【预售】An Introduction to Trenchless Technolo
【预售】Safe at Home with Assistive Technolo...
【预订】Safe at Home with Assistive Technolo...
【预售】Designing Service Excellence: People and Technolo
【预订】The Risks of Nuclear Energy Technolo...
预订 Advances and Technology Development in Greenhouse Gases Emission, Capture and Conversion: Carbon Capture Technolo
预订 Advancements in Architectural, Engineering, and Construction Research and Practice: Integrating Disruptive Technolo
【预售】Introduction to Advanced Food Processing Technolo
【预订】Foundations of Pulsed Power Technolo...
预订 Defeating Disinformation: Digital Platform Responsibility, Regulation and Content Moderation on the Global Technolo
【预订】Innovation with Information Technolo...
[预订]Decision Intelligence Solutions: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technolo 9789819959938
【预订】Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Technolo...
[预订]Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer: In Field Research and Technolo 9780367454937
【预订】Wireless Communications and Technolo...
【预订】Services Marketing: People, Technolo...
【预售】Strategic Role of Tertiary Education and Technolo
【预售】User Interface Software and Technolo...
【预售】Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technolo
【预订】Image-Guided Interventions: Technolo...
【预订】Frontier Computing: Theory, Technolo...
【预售】Mechanics for Materials and Technolo...
【预售】Transactions on Engineering Technolo...
【预订】Mechanics for Materials and Technolo...
【预售】Field-Programmable Gate Array Technolo
【预售】Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technolo...
【预订】Evolution of Silicon Sensor Technolo...
【预售】Magnetic Levitation: Maglev Technolo...
【预订】Smart Cities: Applications, Technolo...
【预售】Concentrating Solar Thermal Technolo...
【预售】Teaching Faculty How to Use Technolo...
【预售】Contemporary Advancements in Information Technolo
【预订】Semiconductor Manufacturing Technolo...
【预订】Everyday Automation: Experiencing and Anticipating Emerging Technolo 9780367773403
【预订】Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science Technolo 9780367720919
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【预售 按需印刷】Chocolate Science and Technolo
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【4周达】Digital and the Real World, The: Computational Foundations of Mathematics, Science, Technolo... [9789813225480]
【4周达】Computer Aided And Integrated Manufacturing Systems - Volume 2: Intelligent Systems Technolo... [9789812389824]
【4周达】Internet Finance and Digital Economy: Advances in Digital Economy and Data Analysis Technolo... [9789811267499]
海外直订International Critical Tables Of Numerical Data, Physics, Chemistry And Technolo 国际数值数据、物理、化学和
海外直订Mobile Computing: Implementing Pervasive Information and Communications Technolo 移动计算:实现普适信息和通
海外直订Groundwater and Subsurface Remediation: Research Strategies for In-Situ Technolo 地下水与地下修复:原位技术
海外直订Blockchain Technology for Business Processes: Meaningful Use of the New Technolo 业务流程的技术:在业务中有
海外直订Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technolo... 劳特利奇艺术,科学和技术研究手册
海外直订Wearing Embodied Emotions: A Practice Based Design Research on Wearable Technolo 穿戴具身情感:基于实践的穿
海外直订Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Technolo 利用形式化方法的应用,验证
海外直订E-Technologies: Embracing the Internet of Things: 7th International Conference, E-Technolo
海外直订Transforming Field and Service Operations: Methodologies for Successful Technolo 改造现场和服务运营:成功实
海外直订Communities of Practice and Vintage Innovation: A Strategic Reaction to Technolo 实践与创新社区:对技术变革
海外直订E-Technologies: 6th International Conference, McEtech 2015, Montréal, Qc, Canada E-Technolo
海外直订Teaming with Opportunity: Media Programs, Community Constituencies, and Technolo 与机会合作:媒体项目、社区
海外直订Productivity and Performance in the Paper Industry: Labour, Capital and Technolo 造纸工业的生产力和绩效:18
海外直订Optimal Enterprise: Structures, Processes and Mathematics of Knowledge, Technolo 优化企业:知识、技术和人力
海外直订Apatites (Structure, Characterization and Applications): Scientific and Technolo 磷灰石(结构、表征与应用):科
海外直订Advanced Technologies in Agricultural Engineering and Energy Optimization Advanced Technolo
海外直订Natural Gas and Other Hydrocarbon Technologies Explained Simply: Energy Technolo 天然气及其他碳氢化合物技术
海外直订Human Values and the Design of Computer Technolo... 人的价值与计算机技术的设计
海外直订Smart Textiles Production: Overview of Materials, Sensor and Production Technolo 智能纺织品生产:工业智能纺
海外直订Medieval Warfare: Technology, Military Revolutions, and Strategy Medieval Warfare: Technolo
海外直订Alternative Uses of Highway Right of Way Accommodating Renewable Energy Technolo 公路通行权的替代用途,包括