【预售 按需印刷】Risorgimento D Italia Negli Studj Nelle Arti E Ne Costumi Dopo Il Mille Parte 1-2 (1786)
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预订 The Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy 复兴运动和意大利的统一: 9781138132009
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【预售】Risorgimento: The History of Italy f...
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[预订]American Risorgimento: Herman Melville and the Cultural Politics of Italy 9780814257067
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预订 The Risorgimento: 9781014284938
【预售】Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento,
【预售】Risorgimento: The History of Italy from Napoleon to
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【预售】Polish Risorgimento: Visions of the ...
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【预订】Giuseppe Verdi und das Risorgimento 9783050030135
【预订】Geographies of Federalism during the Italian Risorgimento, 1796–19 9783030961169
【预订】Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy 9783030697310
【预订】Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy 9783030697341
预订 The Neo-Latin Verse of Urban VIII, Alexander VII and Leo XIII: Three Papal Poets from Baroque to Risorgimento 乌尔
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【4周达】Images of Italian Mathematics in France : The Latin Sisters, from Risorgimento to Fascism [9783319820286]
海外直订Images of Italian Mathematics in France: The Latin Sisters, from Risorgimento to 意大利数学在法国的形象:拉
【4周达】Revisiting Italy: British Women Travel Writers and the Risorgimento (1844-61) [9780367459666]
【4周达】Images of Italian Mathematics in France : The Latin Sisters, from Risorgimento to Fascism [9783319400808]
【4周达】Leading the Economic Risorgimento: Lombardy in the 19th Century [9781032064727]
【4周达】Risorgimento in Modern Italian Culture : Revisiting the Nineteenth Century Past in History, ... [9781611473001]
【4周达】Italy in the Age of the Risorgimento 1790 - 1870 [9781138150300]
【4周达】At the Roots of Italian Identity: 'Race' and 'Nation' in the Italian Risorgimento, 1796-1870 [9780367524593]
海外直订Images of Italian Mathematics in France: The Latin Sisters, from Risorgimento to 意大利数学在法国的形象:拉
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【4周达】Italianness and Migration from the Risorgimento to the 1960s [9783030889630]
【4周达】Italianness and Migration from the Risorgimento to the 1960s [9783030889661]
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【4周达】Revisiting Italy: British Women Travel Writers and the Risorgimento (1844-61) [9780367768072]
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【4周达】Society and Politics in the Age of the Risorgimento: Essays in Honour of Denis Mack Smith [9780521365925]
【4周达】Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy : Melodrama and the Nation [9783030697341]
【4周达】Die Geistigen Grundlagen Des Risorgimento [9783663002611]
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【4周达】Politics and Sentiments in Risorgimento Italy : Melodrama and the Nation [9783030697310]
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【4周达】Visiting Modern War in Risorgimento Italy [9781349291052]
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【4周达】Society and Politics in the Age of the Risorgimento: Essays in Honour of Denis Mack Smith [9780521526456]
海外直订Leading the Economic Risorgimento 领导经济复兴
【4周达】Risorgimento: The History of Italy from Napoleon to Nation State [9780230216709]
【4周达】American Risorgimento: Herman Melville and the Cultural Politics of Italy [9780814257067]
【4周达】Italian Vices: Nation and Character from the Risorgimento to the Republic [9781107676787]
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