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【预订】New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry: Pr...
【预订】Microscope Photometry
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【预订】Applied Photometry, Radiometry, and ...
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【预售】A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and
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【预售】Introduction to Astronomical Photometry
【预售】Exploring the Architecture of Transiting Exoplanetary Systems with High-Precision Photometry
【预售】Photometry, Radiometry, and Measurements of Optical Losses
预订 Introduction to Astronomical Photometry
现货 英文原版 光曲线测光和分析的实用指南A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis 9783319327495
预售 按需印刷 Introduction to Astronomical Photometry
预售 按需印刷 Water Analysis in field and lab (chromatography AAS IC photometry)
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海外直订Astronomical Photometry: Past, Present, and Future 天文光度测量:过去、现在和未来
海外直订Astronomical Photometry: Past, Present, and Future 天文光度学:过去、现在和未来
海外直订Census of the Galaxy: Challenges for Photometry and Spectrometry with Gaia: Proc 《银河系普查:与盖亚一起进
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海外直订Census of the Galaxy: Challenges for Photometry and Spectrometry with Gaia: Proc 银河系普查:与盖亚的光度测
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海外直订Microscope Photometry 显微镜光度法
海外直订Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Ana... 光曲线光度测定和分析实用指南
海外直订Introduction to Astronomical Photometry 天文测光概论
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海外直订The Measurement of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry 星光的测量
海外直订Optical Systems Design Detection Essentials: Radiometry, photometry, colorimetry 光学系统设计检测要点:辐射
海外直订Introduction to Astronomical Photometry 天文光度测定导论“,
海外直订Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry 辐射测量与光度测量导论
海外直订The Measurement of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry 星光的测量:两个世纪的天文光度测定
【4周达】Exploring the Architecture of Transiting Exoplanetary Systems with High-Precision Photometry [9789811084522]
【4周达】Exploring the Architecture of Transiting Exoplanetary Systems with High-Precision Photometry [9789811341557]
【4周达】Handbook of Applied Photometry [9781563964169]
【4周达】Introduction to Planetary Photometry [9781107131743]
【4周达】Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry [9789027702807]
【4周达】Astronomical Photometry : Past, Present, and Future [9781441980496]
A Practical Guide to Lightcurve Photometry and Analysis [9783319327495]
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【4周达】Photometry, Radiometry, and Measurements of Optical Losses [9789811077449]
【4周达】Color Science and Photometry for Lighting with LEDs and Semiconductor Nanocrystals [9789811358852]
【4周达】Astronomical Photometry : Past, Present, and Future [9781461428589]
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【4周达】Optical Systems Design Detection Essentials : Radiometry, photometry, colorimetry, noise, an... [9780750322508]
【4周达】Astronomical Photometry : A Guide [9780792316534]
预订 Introduction to Astronomical Photometry: - Introduction to Astronomical Photometry [9780521847117]
【4周达】Introduction to Astronomical Photometry [9789027704283]
【4周达】Introduction to Astronomical Photometry [9789401021715]
【4周达】Microscope Photometry [9783642665721]
【4周达】New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry: Proceedings of the Specialized Meeting of the Eighth IAU E... [9783540156574]
【4周达】The Measurement of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry [9780521403931]
【4周达】Astronomical Photometry : A Guide [9780792317760]
【4周达】Introduction to Radiometry and Photometry [9780890066782]
【4周达】Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry [9789401026291]
海外直订Handbook of Applied Photometry 应用光度学手册
海外直订Applied Photometry, Radiometry, and Measurements of Optical Losses 应用光度法,辐射测量和光学损耗测量
按需印刷Water Analysis in field and lab (chromatography, AAS, IC, photometry)[9783668754034]