预售 按需印刷 Thirteen Satires Of Juvenal V2
【预售 按需印刷】The Satires of Juvenal Paraphrastically Imitated and Adapted to the Times
预售 按需印刷 The Satires of Juvenal Persius Sulpicia and Lucilius
【预售 按需印刷】A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal
预售 按需印刷Der echte und der unechte Juvenal德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】Juvenal
【预售】The Satires of Juvenal
[预订]Juvenal Satires: A Selection 9781350156524
【预售】Fourteen Satires of Juvenal
【预售】Juvenal's Satires - With the Satires of Persius
【预订】Persius and Juvenal Saturae
【预售 按需印刷】The Satires of Juvenal and Persius
预售 按需印刷 Satura ausgew?hlte Satiren des Horaz Persius und Juvenal德语ger
【预售】A Companion to Persius and Juvenal
【预售】Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of
【预售】Juvenal: Satire 6
【预售】Mayor's Juvenal: Volume 2: Commentary on Satires
预订 Juvenal Satires Book III 尤韦纳尔讽刺诗集 第三卷: 9781802074741
【预售】Thirteen Satires of Juvenal: With a Commentary
【预售】Juvenal: The Satires
【预订】Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity...
英文原版小说 Juvenal and Persius 尤维纳利斯和柏修斯 原文拉英对照版 洛布古典丛书 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Juvenal and Persius 尤维纳利斯和柏修斯 原文拉英对照版 洛布古典丛书进口原版英文书籍
【预售】The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Centur
【预订】Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity
【预售】Mayor's Juvenal: Volume I: Introduction, Complete
Juvenal and Persius 尤维纳利斯和柏修斯 原文拉英对照版 洛布古典丛书
尤维纳利斯和柏修斯 英文原版小说 Juvenal and Persius 原文拉英对照版 洛布古典丛书 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Latin Literature from Seneca to Juvenal: A Critical
【预售】Juvenal and the Satiric Genre
预订Juvenal and Persius
预订Juvenal Satires Book III
海外直订Comparison of the Use of the Future Participle in the Works of Pliny and Juvenal 普林尼和尤文纳尔作品中将来分词
按需印刷Juvenal's Global Awareness:Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire[9781138125308]
海外直订The Satires of Juvenal 尤文纳尔的讽刺作品
海外直订Persius and Juvenal 波斯和少年
【预售 按需印刷】Adverbs in Horace and Juvenal
预售 按需印刷 Uber Die Satiren Des Juvenal In Religoser Und Sittlicher Bedeutung德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】Select Satires Of Juvenal
预售 按需印刷 Horaz Persius Juvenal Die Hauptvertreter Der Romischen Satire德语ger
预售 按需印刷 Heinrich Von Melk Der Juvenal Der Ritterzeit (1886)德语ger
【预售 按需印刷】Thirteen Satires Of Juvenal
【预售 按需印刷】The First Satire Of Juvenal (1876)
海外直订Juvenal 佩尔
【4周达】Persius and Juvenal [9780199216963]
海外直订Latin Literature from Seneca to Juvenal: A Critical Study 从塞内加到朱维纳尔的拉丁文学批判研究
预订 Juvenal's Global Awareness: Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire [9781138125308]
按需印刷The Satires Of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, And Lucilius[9789389509755]
海外直订The Arena of Satire: Juvenal's Search for Rome Volume 52 讽刺的竞技场:尤维纳利斯对罗马的探索卷52
【4周达】Thirteen Satires of Juvenal: With a Commentary [9781108011013]
海外直订Juvenal: Satires, III, X, XIII, and XIV 少年:讽刺,III, X, XIII和XIV
海外直订Juvenal Satires: A Selection 少年讽刺:选集
【4周达】Juvenal: Satire 6: - Juvenal: Satire 6 [9780521854917]
【4周达】Juvenal and the Satiric Emotions C [9780199981892]
【4周达】Making Men Ridiculous: Juvenal and the Anxieties of the Individual [9780472130665]
【4周达】Juvenal: Satires Book IV [9781910572320]
【4周达】Juvenal Satires Book III [9781800854864]
【4周达】Juvenal's Tenth Satire [9781786940698]
【4周达】A Companion To Persius And Juvenal [Wiley古典研究] [9781405199650]
海外直订Juvenal's Satires - With the Satires of Persius 尤文纳尔的讽刺作品——与波斯的讽刺作品
预订 Juvenal: The Satires [9781853995811]
【4周达】Latin Literature from Seneca to Juvenal: A Critical Study [9780198146902]
【4周达】Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of Satires - Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal'... [9780521356374]
【4周达】The Satires of Juvenal [9780253200204]
【4周达】Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity: - Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity [9781108416344]
【4周达】The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome [9780190886967]
【4周达】Juvenal and the Poetics of Anonymity [9781108402859]
【4周达】Juvenal's Tenth Satire [9781800856813]
【4周达】Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne: With Two Imaginary Conversations [9781107437715]
【4周达】Juvenal: Satires Book V [9781789622171]
【4周达】Juvenal's Global Awareness: Circulation, Connectivity, and Empire [9780367594848]
【4周达】Fourteen Satires of Juvenal [9781107651821]
【4周达】Persius and Juvenal [9780199216970]
现货 佩尔西乌斯与尤纳尔指南 A Companion To Persius And Juvenal Susanna Braund 英文原版 中商原版 Wiley【中商原版】
【4周达】The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome [9780199387274]
海外直订Translations from Horace, Juvenal and Montaigne 贺拉斯、尤文纳尔和蒙田的翻译
海外直订Fourteen Satires of Juvenal 尤文纳尔十四篇讽刺作品
按需印刷The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius[9783337382339]
按需印刷Selections from the Satires of Juvenal to which is added the fifth satire of Persius[9783337278809]
按需印刷Selections from the Satires of Juvenal to which is Added the fifth Satire of Persius[9783337320775]
【4周达】Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of Satires - Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal'... [9780521037440]
【4周达】Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal [9780521803571]
海外直订A New and Literal Translation of Juvenal and Persius With Copious Explanatory No 《尤维纳利斯与佩尔修斯》的
海外直订Thirteen Satires of Juvenal 尤维纳利斯十三篇讽刺诗
【4周达】Juvenal: Satires Book IV [9781910572337]
海外直订The Satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and Lucilius: Literally Translated in 《朱维纳尔、珀修斯、苏尔比