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海外直订Geophysical Waves and Flows: Theory and Applications in the Atmosphere, Hydrosph 地球物理波和流:大气、水圈
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预订 Applied High-Resolution Geophysical Methods
【预订】Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows
【预订】Developments in Geophysical Explorat...
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【预订】Transport and Mixing in Geophysical Flows
【预订】Geophysical Data Analysis
海外直订Geophysical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 人工神经和模糊逻辑在地球物理中的
海外直订Shallow Geophysical Mass Flows Down Arbitrary Topography: Model Equations in Top
海外直订Fundamentals of Geophysical Hydrodynamics 地球物理流体力学基础
海外直订Super-Deep Continental Drilling and Deep Geophysical Sounding 超深大陆钻探与深部地球物理探测
海外直订Geophysical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic [With CDR 人工神经和模糊逻辑的地
【预售】Continental Crust: A Geophysical Approach
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海外直订Wave Packets and Their Bifurcations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 地球物理流体动力学中的波包及其分岔
海外直订Recent Studies in Geophysical Hazards 地球物理灾害的最新研究
海外直订Exploration of Gas Hydrates: Geophysical Techniques 天然气水合物勘探:地球物理技术
海外直订Angular Momentum in Geophysical Turbulence: Continuum Spatial Averaging Method 地球物理湍流中的角动量:连续
海外直订Geophysical Hazards: Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Awareness 地球物理危害:最小化风险,最大化意识
海外直订Recent Studies in Geophysical Hazards 地球物理灾害的新研究
海外直订The Solution of the Inverse Problem in Geophysical Interpretation 地球物理解释中反问题的求解
海外直订Wave Packets and Their Bifurcations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 地球物理流体动力学中的波包及其分支
海外直订Geophysical Studies in the Caucasus 高加索地球物理研究
【预售】Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
海外直订Geophysical Fluid Dynamics I 地球物理流体动力学I
海外直订Classical Mechanics in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics 地球物理流体动力学中的经典力学
【预订】Space Weather, Geophysical Monograph...
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现货 Active Tectonics And Seismic Potential Of Alaska, Geophysical Monograph 179 Jeffrey T. Freymueller
【预订】Geophysical Waves and Flows: Theory ...
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【预售】The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey
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海外直订Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory: MATLAB Edition 地球物理数据分析:离散逆理论:Matlab版
海外直订An Introduction to Seismic Procedures for Geophysical Exploration
海外直订An Introduction to Magnetic and Subsurface Methods of Geophysical Exploration 地球物理勘探的磁法和地下法简
海外直订An Introduction to Airborne and Remote Sensing Methods for Geophysical Explorati