【4周达】Derived Functors and Sheaf Cohomology [9789811207280]
【预售】Modules Over Operads and Functors
【预售】Frobenius and Separable Functors for Generalized
【预订】Combinatorial Functors
【预售】Biset Functors for Finite Groups
【预订】Green Functors and G-sets
【预售】From Objects to Diagrams for Ranges of Functors
【预售】Interpolation Functors and Duality
预订 Homo*y Theory of Enriched Mackey Functors: Closed Multicategories, Permutative Enrichments, and Algebraic Foundat
【预售】Non-Additive Exact Functors and Tensor Induction for Mackey Functors
预订 Initial Algebras and Terminal Coalgebras: The Theory of Fixed Points of Functors 初始代数与终端代数:函数的不动点理
[预订]Mackey 2-Functors and Mackey 2-Motives 9783037192092
【预售】Equivariant Sheaves and Functors
【预售】On Operads, Bimodules and Analytic Functors
【预售】Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors
预订 Cohomological Tensor Functors on Representations of the General Linear Supergroup 一般线性超群表示的上同调张量函子:
【预订】Derived Functors and Sheaf Cohomology
【预售】Monoidal Functors, Species and Hopf Algebras
按需印刷Derived Functors and Sheaf Cohomology[9789811207280]
海外直订Term Functors, Ultrafilter Categorical Computing and Monads 术语函子、超滤器范畴计算和单子
海外直订Green Functors and G-Sets 格林函子与G-集
按需印刷Term Functors, Ultrafilter Categorical Computing and Monads[9786202077903]
海外直订Derived Functors and Sheaf Cohomology 导出函子与层上同调
【4周达】Monoidal Functors, Species and Hopf Algebras [9780821847763]
【4周达】Frobenius and Separable Functors for Generalized Module Categories and Nonlinear Equations [9783540437826]
【4周达】Derived Functors in Functional Analysis [9783540002369]
【4周达】Term Functors, Ultrafilter Categorical Computing and Monads [9786202077903]
海外直订From Objects to Diagrams for Ranges of Functors 从对象到函子范围的图表
【4周达】Cohomological Tensor Functors on Representations of the General Linear Supergroup [9781470447144]
【4周达】Initial Algebras and Terminal Coalgebras: The Theory of Fixed Points of Functors [9781108835466]
【4周达】Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories [9780821839751]
【4周达】Theories of Knowing and Knowledge Production : An Organization of Spaces of Functors and Cat... [9783031428623]
【4周达】From Objects to Diagrams for Ranges of Functors [9783642217739]
海外直订Derived Functors in Functional Analysis 泛函分析中的推导函子
【4周达】Homotopy Theory of Enriched Mackey Functors: Closed Multicategories, Permutative Enrichments... [9781009519526]
预订 Grassmannian functors, Krull filtration and functor cohomology 法国数学学会 [9782856292488]
【4周达】Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors [9780821826867]
预订 Operads and chain rules for the calculus of functors 法国数学学会 [9782856293089]
预订 Homological Functors of Local Cohomology Modules [9783659679292]
【4周达】On Operads, Bimodules and Analytic Functors [9781470425760]
海外直订Combinatorial Functors 组合函子
海外直订Frobenius and Separable Functors for Generalized Module Categories and Nonlinear 广义模范畴与非线性方程的Fr
海外直订Modules Over Operads and Functors 操作数和仿函数上的模块
海外直订Biset Functors for Finite Groups 有限群的Biset函子
【4周达】Combinatorial Functors [9783642859359]
【4周达】Biset Functors for Finite Groups [9783642112966]
【4周达】Modules Over Operads and Functors [9783540890553]
【4周达】Green Functors and G-Sets [9783540635505]
【4周达】Interpolation Functors and Duality [9783540167907]
【4周达】Functors and Categories of Banach Spaces : Tensor Products, Operator Ideals and Functors on ... [9783540087649]
【4周达】Equivariant Sheaves and Functors [9783540580713]
海外直订Equivariant Sheaves and Functors 等变带轮与函子