现货 英文原版 Followership in Action:Cases and Commentaries... 9781785609480
预订 New Giants Rising: How Leaders Can Help People and Companies Grow During the Followership Crisis 新巨人崛起:危机后
预订 Theoretical Perspectives of Strategic Followership 战略跟随的理论透视: 9780367732813
【预售 按需印刷】Followership
预售 按需印刷 Three-Dimensional Followership
【预售 按需印刷】Followership in Action
【预售 按需印刷】Leadership and Followership in an Organizational Change Context
预售 按需印刷 The Role of Followership During Periods of Absent Leadership
【预订】Servant Leadership and Followership
【预订】Authentic Leadership and Followership: International Perspectives
海外直订Strategic Followership: How Followers Impact Organizational Effectiveness 战略跟随:跟随者如何影响组织效能
海外直订Leadership, Coaching and Followership: An Important Equation 领导,指导和追随:一个重要的等式
海外直订Distributed Leadership: The Dynamics of Balancing Leadership with Followership 分布式领导:平衡领导与追随的动态
预订 Embracing Followership: How to Thrive in a Leader-Centric Culture: 9781577996323
海外直订Followership: The Missing Link 追随:缺失的环节
海外直订A Celebration of Followership: The Story in Documents of Courageous Followership 追随者的庆祝:勇敢追随者和
【预订】Theoretical Perspectives of Strategic Followership
【预订】The Art of Followership
[预订]Advances in Behavioral Economics and Finance Leadership: Strategic Leadership, Wise Followership and 9783031157127
【预售】Leadership - Followership 360
预订 Leadership, Coaching and Followership: An Important Equation: 9789401779678
海外直订Followership: What is it and Why Do People Follow? Followership:什么是Followership?为什么人们会跟随?
预订 New Giants Rising: How Leaders Can Help People and Companies Grow During the Followership Crisis 新巨人崛起:领导人
海外直订Distributed Leadership: The Dynamics of Balancing Leadership with Followership 分布式领导:领导与跟随平衡的动力
【4周达】Three-Dimensional Followership: Finding Success when Others are Driving [9780578602813]
【4周达】Leadership - Followership 360: How to Create Accountable, Flexible and Dynamic Teams [9780615471877]
【4周达】Authentic Leadership and Followership : International Perspectives [9783319879956]
【4周达】Followership: What It Takes to Lead [9781606497326]
【4周达】Distributed Leadership : The Dynamics of Balancing Leadership with Followership [9783319595801]
【4周达】Authentic Leadership and Followership : International Perspectives [9783319653068]
【4周达】Servant Leadership and Followership : Examining the Impact on Workplace Behavior [9783319866086]
【4周达】Servant Leadership and Followership : Examining the Impact on Workplace Behavior [9783319593654]
【4周达】Innovative Leadership & Followership in the Age of AI: A Guide to Creating Your Future as Le... [9780796116895]
【4周达】Strategic Followership: How Followers Impact Organizational Effectiveness [9781137356215]
【4周达】Followership and Faith at Work : Biblical Perspectives [9783030906139]
【4周达】Distributed Leadership : The Dynamics of Balancing Leadership with Followership [9783319866550]
【4周达】Leadership is Half the Story : A Fresh Look at Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration [9781487522469]
【4周达】Followership [9781648304071]
预订 Followership and Faith at Work : Biblical Perspectives [9783030906160]
【4周达】Followership und Führungsverhalten : Eine Betrachtung aus evolutionspsychologischer Perspek... [9783658260002]
预订 Leadership and Followership in an Organizational Change Context [9781799828082]
【4周达】Developing Leaders Quarterly - issue 44 - Followership [9781915529268]
【4周达】Followership in Action: Cases and Commentaries [9781785609480]
【4周达】Leadership and Followership in an Organizational Change Context [9781799828075]
【4周达】Embracing Followership: How to Thrive in a Leader-Centric Culture [9781577996323]
【4周达】Followership: What is it and Why Do People Follow? [9781783505159]
【4周达】Courageous Companions: Followership in Doctor Who [9781837539871]
【4周达】The Art Of Followership: How Great Followers Create Great Leaders And Organizations [Wiley经管] [9780787996659]
预订 Followership: A Practical Guide to Aligning Leaders and Followers [9781567932164]
【4周达】Followership: The Manual (4th ed.) [9798869363978]
【4周达】A Celebration of Followership: The Story in Documents of Courageous Followership and the Fol... [9781735628813]
【4周达】A Celebration of Followership: The Story in Documents of Courageous Followership and the Fol... [9781735628820]
【4周达】Leadership, Coaching and Followership : An Important Equation [9789401779678]
【4周达】Leadership, Coaching and Followership : An Important Equation [9789400774629]
预订 The Role of Followership During Periods of Absent Leadership [9783659691133]
预订 Political Party Followership and Political Leadership in Africa [9783659812125]
预订 Theoretical Perspectives of Strategic Followership [9781138679863]
【4周达】New Giants Rising : How Leaders Can Help People and Companies Grow During the Followership C... [9781138626492]
【4周达】Empowering Project Teams: Using Project Followership to Improve Performance [9781482217551]
【4周达】The Yin and Yang of Leadership Followership [9781439255384]
【4周达】Theoretical Perspectives of Strategic Followership [9780367732813]
海外直订Leadership - Followership 360: How to Create Accountable, Flexible and Dynamic T 领导力-Followershi
海外直订Say No to Yes Men: Followership in the Modern Military - Scholar's Choice Editio 拒绝是的男人:现代军事学者选择
按需印刷Followership in Action[9781785609480]
预订Leadership is Half the Story:A Fresh Look at Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration
按需印刷Theoretical Perspectives of Strategic Followership[9781138679863]
按需印刷Leadership and Followership in an Organizational Change Context[9781799828082]
按需印刷Leadership and Followership in an Organizational Change Context[9781799828075]