预订 Authorial Echoes: Textuality and Self-plagiarism in the Narrative of Luigi Pirandello: 9781904713036
【预售】Authorial Stance in Research Articles: Examples f
【预订】Authorial Personality and the Making of Renaissance Texts 9780198714163
【预订】The Varieties of Authorial Intention
[预订]›Prometheus Bound‹ – A Separate Authorial Trace in the Aeschylean Corpus 9783110687644
预订 In the Author’s Hand: Holograph and Authorial Manuscripts in the Islamic Handwritten Tradition 作者之手:伊斯兰手
预订 The Art of Authorial Presence: Hawthorne’s Provincial Tales
【预售 按需印刷】Evaluation in Text Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse
【预售 按需印刷】What is Authorial Philology?
海外直订What is Authorial Philology? 什么是作者文献学?
海外直订The Labour of Literature in Britain and France, 1830-1910: Authorial Work Ethics 英国和法国的文学劳动,1830
海外直订Marketing the Author: Authorial Personae, Narrative Selves and Self-Fashioning, 营销作者:作者的人格、叙事
海外直订Playwright Versus Director: Authorial Intentions and Performance Interpretations 剧作家与导演:作者意图与表演诠
海外直订Authorial Stance in Research Articles: Examples from Applied Linguistics and Edu 研究文章中的作者立场:来自
海外直订Authorial Echoes: Textuality and Self-Plagiarism in the Narrative of Luigi Piran 作者的呼应:路易吉·皮兰德罗
海外直订Beyond Gold and Diamonds: Genre, the Authorial Informant, and the British South 超越黄金和钻石:体裁,作者
海外直订The Author in Criticism: Italo Calvino's Authorial Image in Italy, the United St 批评中的作者:卡尔维诺在意
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预订Writer and Occasion in Twelfth-Century Byzantium:The Authorial Voice of Constantine Manasses