正版 Quantitative Social Science Data with R 英文原版 进口英语书籍
Quantitative Paleozoology
【预订】Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis
【预售】Quantitative Data Analysis in Education: A Critic
【预售】Quantitative Methods and Socio-Economic Applications in GIS, Second Edition
预订 Introduction to Quantitative Social Science with Python Python 定量社会科学导论: 9781032354606
【预售】Quantitative Research For The Behavioral Sciences
[预订]Computer and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology 9780860545071
【预售】Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries:
【预订】Quantitative Medical Data Analysis U...
【预售】Quantitative Modelling in Marketing and Management
【预订】Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolv...
【预售】【预售】An Introduction to Quantitative ...
[预订]Understanding Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Psychology 9780198823049
【预售】Quantitative Finance for Physicists
[预订]Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology; 8 9781014555021
【预售】Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS 12 and 13:
【预售】Quantitative Methods for Second Language Research
预订 Quantitative Studies in Green and Conservation Criminology: The Measurement of Environmental Harm and Crime 绿色与
预订 Quantitative Data Analysis for Language Assessment Volume I: Fundamental Techniques 语言评估定量数据分析第一卷:基
预订 How to QuantCrit: Applying Critical Race Theory to Quantitative Data in Education 如何定量标准:批判种族理论在教育
预订 Quantitative Measures of Mathematical Knowledge: Researching Instruments and Perspectives 数学知识的定量测量:研究
【预订】Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Quantitative Finance 9781032336572
预订 Quantitative Ultrasound in Soft Tissues 软组织定量超声 第2版: 9783031219894
[预订]Quantitative Ultramicroanalysis 9781021516299
[预订]Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology; 12 9781015031081
【预售】Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Research in
【预售】Loose-Leaf Version for Quantitative ...
【预订】Using R for Modelling and Quantitative Methods in Fisheries 9780367469887
Quantitative Value: A Practitioner's Guide to
预订 Preparing Literature Reviews: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: 9781032608266
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Computing and
【预订】Contemporary Quantitative Finance
【预订】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems
【预订】Formal Methods for the Quantitative ...
【预订】Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches...
【预售】Quantitative Methods for Current Environmental
【预售】Designing Quantitative Experiments: Prediction
【预售】Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Fire and EMS Mobilization
【预售】Quantitative Analysis and Ibm(r) Sps...
【预订】Advances in Quantitative Coronary Arteriography
【预订】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: ...
【预售】Quantitative Methods in Biological and Medical
【预订】Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation
【预售】Contemporary Quantitative Finance: Essays in Honour
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems
【预售】Innovations in Quantitative Risk Management: T...
【预订】Quantitative Analysis and IBM® SPSS® Statistics
【预售】New Frontiers in Quantitative Method...
【预订】State of the Art in Quantitative Cor...
【预订】Advances in Quantitative Ethnography
【预售】Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: First International Conference, Icqe 2019, Madison, Wi, Usa, October...
【预订】Quantitative Explorations in Drug Abuse Policy
【预售】A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance
【预订】Quantitative Methods for Investigating Infectious Disease Outbreaks
【预订】Policy Impacts on Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of Indian Education
【预订】Quantitative and Qualitative Factors that Leads to Slip and Fall Incidents
【预订】Quantitative Methods in Morphology /...
预订 Quantitative Portfolio Management
【预订】The Pathway to Publishing: A Guide to Quantitative Writing in the He 9783030981747
[预订]Quantitative Sustainability 9783031393105
[预订]Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology; 24 9781014442888
【预售】Quantitative Assessment in Epilepsy Ca
【预售】Quantitative Methods in Budgeting
【预售】Quantitative Models for Value-Based Supply Chain
【预售】Quantitative Management in R & D
预订 Fast Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
预订 Concepts and Models of a Quantitative Sociology
【预订】A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance 9783540262121
预订 Symbolic Execution and Quantitative Reasoning: Applications to Software Safety and Security
【预订】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems 9783031163357
【预售】Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 11th Inter...
【预订】Quantitative Biology of Metabolism: ...
【预售】Quantitative Particle Physics: Cargese
【预订】Steric Fit in Quantitative Structure...
【预售】Principles of Quantitative Living Systems Science
【预订】New Developments in Quantitative Cor...
【预售】Quantitative Ecological Theory: An Int
【预售】Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestruct...
【预售】Quantitative Ecological Theory: An Introductio...
【预订】Qualitative and Quantitative Behavio...
【预订】Quantitative Coronary and Left Ventr...
【预售】Analytical and Quantitative Cardiology
【预售】Quantitative Neuroanatomy in Transmitter Resea...
【预售】Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive
【预售】Quantitative Aspects of Chemical Pharm
[预订]Technology Roadmapping and Development: A Quantitative Approach to the Management of Technology 9783030883485
【预订】Quantitative Geology of Late Jurassic Epicontinental Sediments in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland
【预售】Quantitative Security Risk Assessment of Enterprise
【预售】Clinical Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis: Quantitative
【预售】Quantitative Risk Assessment: Biomedical Ethic...
【预订】Quantitative Electron Microprobe Analysis
【预订】Progress in Quantitative Coronary Ar...