正版 中国城市群绿色经济效率差异与影响机制研究:基于产业集聚的视角:from the perspective of industrial agglomeration 傅娟
【预售】Cities, Agglomeration, and Spatial Equilibrium
预订 Agglomeration of High-Tech Firms and New Product Innovations: 9783659382819
预订 The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia
预订 Role of Industrial Agglomeration in Regional Economic Activity 产业集聚在区域经济活动中的作用: 9789819791972
【预订】A New Perspective on Agglomeration Economies in Japan
【预售】Optimization of Micro Processes in Fine Particle Agglomeration by Pelleting Flocculation
[预订]Sustainable Development Dimensions and Urban Agglomeration 9781839695605
【预订】Models of Agglomeration and Glass Tr...
【预售 按需印刷】Agglomeration Economies in Rural Electrification
【预售 按需印刷】Studyguide for Agglomeration Economics by (Editor) ISBN 9780226297897
【4周达】Models of Agglomeration and Glass Transition [9781860947568]
预订 The Emission Reduction Effects of Spatial Agglomeration
海外直订The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia 东亚动漫产业的集聚
预订 The Rise of Asia: The ‘Flying-Geese’ Theory of Tandem Growth and Regional Agglomeration 亚洲的崛起:“雁行”理论的
海外直订Economic Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration 产业集聚的经济学分析
海外直订Agglomeration, Growth, and Adjustment: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Regi 集聚、增长和调整
海外直订A Life Cycle for Clusters?: The Dynamics of Agglomeration, Change, and Adaption 集群的生命周期集聚、变化和
海外直订Economic Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration 产业集聚的经济分析
海外直订Sustainable Development Dimensions and Urban Agglomeration 可持续发展维度与城市群
【预售】Agglomeration Economics
【预订】Optimization of Micro Processes in Fine Particle Agglomeration by Pelleting Flocculation
海外直订Foreign Direct Investment, Agglomeration and Ext... 外商直接投资、集聚与外部性
海外直订Optimization of Micro Processes in Fine Particle Agglomeration by Pelleting Floc 球团絮凝法细颗粒团聚的微观
海外直订Bifurcation Theory for Hexagonal Agglomeration in Economic Geography 经济地理学中六角集聚的分岔理论
【预订】Agglomeration and Firm Performance
【预售】Agglomeration in Metallurgy
【预订】Agglomeration in Metallurgy
预订 Economic Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration
海外直订Generating Agglomeration Online. Creating Places Without Geographical Borders 在线生成聚集。创造没有地理边
【预订】A Beginner’s Guide to Data Agglomeration and Intelligent Sensing
现货 聚结的工业应用 Agglomeration in Industry Occurrence and Applications 英文原版 Wolfgang Pietsch 中商原版
【预订】The Emission Reduction Effects of Spatial Agglomeration 9781032343303
海外直订Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Globalization 凝聚经济学
海外直订Models Of Agglomeration And Glass Transition 团聚和玻璃化转变模型
海外直订Proceedings Of The: Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration 会议记录:压块和烧结研究所
海外直订Proceedings of the: Institute for Briquetting and Agglomeration 会议记录:成型和团聚研究所
预订 Innovation, Agglomeration and Regional Competition 创新, 聚集与区域竞争: 9781845425265
海外直订Arkham Agglomeration: H.P. Lovecraft 阿卡姆集聚:H.P.洛夫克拉夫特
【预订】Agglomeration of Iron Ores
海外直订Agglomeration in Metallurgy 聚集在冶金
海外直订Agglomeration and Firm Performance 集聚与企业绩效
海外直订Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Globalization 集聚经济学:城市、产业区位与全球
【4周达】A Beginner's Guide to Data Agglomeration and Intelligent Sensing [9780128203415]
【4周达】Agglomeration Economics [9780226297897]
【4周达】Optimization of Micro Processes in Fine Particle Agglomeration by Pelleting Flocculation [9781138028616]
【4周达】Agglomeration of Iron Ores [9781138035089]
【4周达】Agglomeration, Industrial Districts and Industry Clusters : Trends of the 21th Century Liter... [9781680832662]
【4周达】Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration: Depo... [9783319823850]
预订 Spherical Agglomeration ; A Novel Technique of Particle Designing [9786135843057]
【4周达】Agglomeration and Firm Performance [9783319905747]
【4周达】Bifurcation Theory for Hexagonal Agglomeration in Economic Geography [9784431563389]
【4周达】A New Perspective on Agglomeration Economies in Japan : An Application of Productivity Analysis [9789811348891]
【4周达】Agglomeration and Firm Performance [9783030080457]
预订 The Agglomeration of Waste Coal Using Wet Microalgae Biomass [9786139919017]
【4周达】Agglomeration in Metallurgy [9783030260248]
【4周达】Agglomeration in Metallurgy [9783030260279]
【4周达】Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration [9783319415666]
【4周达】A New Perspective on Agglomeration Economies in Japan : An Application of Productivity Analysis [9789811064890]
【4周达】Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies: A Global Perspective: A Global Perspective [9781845423964]
预订 On the Agglomeration Economies [9783659229145]
【4周达】Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship - Studies in Regional Economic Development: Stu... [9781849809269]
【4周达】Agglomeration, Technology and Business Groups [9781845424466]
【4周达】Agglomeration, Growth, and Adjustment: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Regional Labor M... [9783790811605]
【4周达】Foreign Direct Investment, Agglomeration and Externalities [9780754647294]
【4周达】Economics of Agglomeration [9781788119771]
【4周达】Agglomeration Economies, New Industrial Clusters and Japanese Multinational Firms' Location ... [9784431555902]
【4周达】Foreign Direct Investment, Agglomeration and Externalities : Empirical Evidence from Mexican... [9781138254015]
预订 Agglomeration and Regional Unemployment Disparities : A Theoretical Analysis with Reference to t... [9783631517451]
【4周达】Cities, Agglomeration, and Spatial Equilibrium [9780199290444]
【4周达】Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Globalization [9780521171960]
【4周达】Agglomeration, Industrial Districts and Industry Clusters : Foundations of the 20th Century ... [9781680831221]
【4周达】Economics of Agglomeration: Cities, Industrial Location, and Globalization [9781107001411]
预订 Optimization of Micro Processes in Fine Particle Agglomeration by Pelleting Flocculation [9780367574727]
【4周达】Media Clusters: Spatial Agglomeration and Content Capabilities: Spatial Agglomeration and Co... [9780857932686]
【4周达】Agglomeration In Industry - Occurence And Applications 2V Set [Wiley化学化工] [9783527305827]
【4周达】Innovation, Agglomeration and Regional Competition [9781845425265]
【4周达】A Life Cycle for Clusters? : The Dynamics of Agglomeration, Change, and Adaption [9783790817102]
【4周达】Bifurcation Theory for Hexagonal Agglomeration in Economic Geography [9784431542575]
【4周达】Spatial Knowledge Spillovers and the Dynamics of Agglomeration and Regional Growth [9783790813210]
【4周达】Arkham Agglomeration: H.P. Lovecraft [9781944556785]
海外直订A Beginner's Guide to Data Agglomeration and Intelligent Sensing 数据聚集和智能传感初学者指南
RT69包邮 高成长企业发展研究:江苏省高成长企业空间集聚与关联:spatial agglomeration and corr中国社会科学出版社管理图书书籍
【预订】Agglomeration in Industry - Occurence and Applications 2V Set
番禺珠宝产业发展30年:与世界珠宝产业的互动及产业集聚发展:agglomeration and interaction with global jewell丘志力 经济书籍
正版包邮 区域物流系统优化:以珠江三角洲城市群为例:case study on the urban agglomeration i 周平德 书店 物流管理书籍
SOL LORA Fat Paste Relieves Fat Agglomeration Tumors, Subcu
城市发展新方向:从城市化到世界城市群:from urbanization to world urban agglomeration9787520324489中国社会科学出版社
环渤海城市群效率型增长:基于要素集聚视角的研究:study based on factors agglomeration9787502485412冶金工业出版社
【现货】 环渤海城市群效率型增长:基于要素集聚视角的研究:study based on factors agglomeration 张斯琴 9787502485412