【预订】Exploring the Affective Dimensions of Educational Leadership 9780367784195
预订 Analyzing Affective Societies: Methods and Methodologies 情感社会分析:方法与方法: 9780367671082
[预订]Applied Affective Computing 9781450395908
【预订】Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders
【预售】Affective Interactions: Towards a New Generation of
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【预售】Affective Feedback in Intelligent Tu...
【预售】Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction: 4th
【预售】Affective Dialogue Systems: Tutorial and Research
【预售】Feeling Together and Caring with One Another: A Contribution to the Debate on Collective Affective Intenti...
【预订】Affective-discursive Practice in Online Medical Consultations in Chi 9789811926426
【预售】Affective Information Processing
【预订】Social and Affective Neuroscience of Everyday Human Interaction 9783031086502
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【预售】The Matter of Vision: Affective Neurob
预订 Hallucinations in Psychoses and Affective Disorders
【预订】Signal Transduction in Affective Disorders
【预订】Seasonal Affective Disorder
预订 Affective Learning for Contemporary Education: Exploring the Limits of Psychology for Educational Purposes 当代教育
预订 Multimodal Affective Computing: Technologies and Applications in Learning Environments多模态情感计算:学习环境的技
预订 Instrument Development in the Affective Domain
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【预订】Affective Circuits 9780226405018
【预订】Affective and Emotional Economies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
【预售】Instrument Development in the Affective Domain:
【预订】Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
【预售】Cognitive -Affective Processes: New Ways of
【预订】Advances in Affective and Pleasurabl...
【预售】Affective Touch and the Neurophysiol...
【预售】Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction
【预订】Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography
【预订】Affective and Schizoaffective Disorders
【预订】Affective Touch and the Neurophysiology of CT Afferents
【预订】Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education
预订 Affective Computing for Social Good: Enhancing Well-being, Empathy, and Equity社会公益的情感计算:增进福祉、同理心
预订 New Hollywood and Countercultural Whiteness: Affective Affinities and the Politics of Male Expressivity 新好莱坞与
【预订】Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design
[预订]Urban Roar: A Psychophysical Approach to the Design of Affective Environments 9781501360572
预订 Affective Computing in Healthcare: Applications based on biosignals and artificial intelligence
【预订】Principles and Applications of Socio-Cognitive and Affective Computi 9781668438435
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【预售】Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design
【预售】Affective Education
【预售】The Affective Disorder and the Writing Life: The
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英文原版 Affective Turn 情感转向 对社会性的理论化 Patricia Ticineto Clough 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Increasing Retention of Under-Represented Students in STEM through Affective and Cognitive Interventions
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【预售】The Psychobiology of Affective Development (Ple:
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【预订】Methodologies of Affective Experimentation 9783030962715
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【预订】Love (and Hate) With the Proper Stranger: Affective Honesty and Enactment
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预订 The Affective Core Self: The Role of the Unconscious and Retroactivity in Self-Constitution 情感核心自我:无意识与
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预订 Touching Architecture: Affective Atmospheres and Embodied Encounters 感人的建筑:情感氛围与具身遭遇: 9781032049007
【预订】Affective Circuits 9780226405155
【预订】Affective Moments in the Films of Martel, Carri, and Puenzo
【预售】Affective Computing
【预售】Affective Computing and Interaction: Psychological
【预订】Affective, Interactive and Cognitive Methods for E-Learning Design
【预订】Sylvia Plath and the Language of Affective States
[预订]Multimodal Affective Computing: Affective Information Representation, Modelling, and Analysis 9789815124460
Affective Neuroscience
【预订】Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences
【预售】Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2015 Confere...
【预售】Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis: Emotion
【预订】Affective Early Childhood Pedagogy for Infant-Toddlers
【预订】Cognitive and Affective Aspects in S...
【预订】Affective Computing and Sentiment Analysis
【预售】Negative Affective States and Cognitive Impairments in Nicotine Dependence
【预订】Cognitive and Affective Growth