预订 Culture and Customs of Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜的文化与风俗: 9780313339943
海外直订The Güegüence; A Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua Gueguence;尼加拉瓜纳瓦特-西班牙
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【预售 按需印刷】Arch?ological Researches in Nicaragua
【预售】Nicaragua; Past, Present and Future;
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【预订】Tourism in Post-revolutionary Nicaragua
预订 Transitional Justice in Nicaragua 1990–2012: Drawing a Line Under the Past 尼加拉瓜过渡时期司法 1990–2012:与过去
【预售】The Naturalist in Nicaragua
预订 Central America: Describing Each of the States of Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica; Their N
【预订】Twenty Five Years of Modern Tsunami Science Following the 1992 Nicaragua and Flores Island Tsunamis. Volum...
[预订]The Rock Art of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua 9781407305608
预订 The Proposed Nicaragua Canal an Impracticable Project. A Communication Addressed to the Nicaragua Canal Board in Re
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预订 Nicaragua: War of the filibusters: 9783743309258
【预售】The History of Nicaragua
预订 Managing the Commanding Heights: Nicaragua’s State Enterprises 掌控制高点:尼加拉瓜的国有企业: 9780520414785
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【预订】Twenty Five Years of Modern Tsunami Science Following the 1992 Nicaragua and Flores Is 9783030864569
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【预售】Beyond the Barricades: Nicaragua and the Struggle
按需印刷The Rock Art of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua[9781407305608]
预订 Nicaragua: Emerging From the Shadow of the Eagle: 9780813349862
预订 Reagan Versus The Sandinistas: The Undeclared War On Nicaragua 里根与桑地诺家族:对尼加拉瓜的不宣而战(重印版): 97
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预订 Nicaragua: The First Five Years: 9780275901776
预订 Eisenhower, Somoza, and the Cold War in Nicaragua: 1953-1961: 9780275959432
预订 David and Goliath: Washington’s War Against Nicaragua: 9780862325756
预订 Nicaragua: Emerging From the Shadow of the Eagle 尼加拉瓜:从鹰的影子中崛起: 9780367098179
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【预售】Pottery of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, V2: Contribu...
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【预售】Nicaragua: Past, Present and Future: A Description
海外直订The Rock Art of Ometepe Island, Nicaragua: Motif classification, quantification, 尼加拉瓜Ometepe岛的岩石
预订 Foreign Relations Of The United States: Nicaragua (mosquito Territory), 1894: 9781020439797
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【4周达】Education and Revolution in Nicaragua [9780275921385]
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预订 Gender dynamics in dairy chains in Nicaragua: [9786202430036]
海外直订Nicaragua in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture 聚焦尼加拉瓜:人民、政治和文化指南
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【4周达】Managing the Commanding Heights: Nicaragua's State Enterprises [9780520414785]
按需印刷TF Higher Education, State Repression, and Neoliberal Reform in Nicaragua[9781032057330]
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【4周达】Doctoring in Nicaragua [9781646624829]
【4周达】Managing the Commanding Heights: Nicaragua's State Enterprises [9780520304079]
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海外直订A Guide to the Birds of Panama: With Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras 巴拿马鸟类指南:与哥斯达黎加,尼加拉瓜和
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【4周达】Latin America's New Left and the Politics of Gender: Lessons from Nicaragua [9781461403586]
按需印刷Nicaragua's Guardabarranco and His Friend Enrique![9781984525246]
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【4周达】States, Ideologies, and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of Iran, Nicaragua, and t... [9780521773379]
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【4周达】Transitional Justice in Nicaragua 1990-2012 : Drawing a Line Under the Past [9783658105020]
【4周达】Industrialization in Sandinista Nicaragua: Policy and Practice in a Mixed Economy [9780367163310]
海外直订Ethnographical Survey of the Miskito and Sumu Indians of Honduras and Nicaragua 洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜米斯基托
【4周达】The Political Economy of Revolutionary Nicaragua [9781032128443]
预订 Learning Democracy: Citizen Engagement and Electoral Choice in Nicaragua, 1990-2001 [9780226019727]