预售 按需印刷 Integrable Systems
预售 按需印刷 Inverse Scattering Problems and Their Application to Nonlinear Integrable Equations
【4周达】Surveys on Geometry and Integrable Systems [9784931469464]
【4周达】New Developments in Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems and Mirror Symmetry (Rims, Kyoto,... [9784931469624]
【预售按需印刷】Square Integrable Functions With Respect To A Vector Measure
【4周达】New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems - Proceedings of the Infinite Analysis 09 [9789814324366]
【4周达】Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems [9789810201203]
【4周达】Back-Of-The-Envelope Quantum Mechanics: With Extensions to Many-Body Systems and Integrable ... [9789814508469]
【4周达】Yang-Baxter Equation in Integrable Systems [9789810201210]
预订 Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics, and Integrable Systems
【4周达】Seiberg-witten Theory And The Integrable Systems [9789810236366]
【4周达】Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields And Integrable Probability - Fukuoka 2019 - Proceedings O... [9784864970945]
【4周达】From Integrable Models to Gauge Theories: A Volume in Honor of Sergei Matinyan [9789810249274]
【4周达】Non-Integrable Dynamics: Time-Quantitative Results [9789811273858]
【4周达】Back-Of-The-Envelope Quantum Mechanics: With Extensions to Many-Body Systems, Integrable Pde... [9789811286377]
【4周达】Hydrodynamic Scales of Integrable Many-Body Systems [9789811283529]
【4周达】Integrable Many-Particle Systems [9781800613812]
【4周达】Integrable Models [9789971509101]
【4周达】Integrable Systems in Statistical Mechanics [9789971978143]
【预售】Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry:
【预售 按需印刷】Finite Volume Form Factors in Integrable Field Theory
【预订】Inverse Scattering Problems and Their Application to Nonlinear Integrable Equations
【预售】New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems
【预售】Analytic-Bilinear Approach to Integrable
【预售】Algebraic Aspects of Integrable Systems: In Memory
【预订】Integrable Systems and Applications:...
【预订】Lectures on Integrable Systems
【预售】Integrable Systems in the Realm of Algebraic
【预售】Integrable Systems: The Verdier Memorial Confe...
【预订】Application of Integrable Systems to...
【预订】Application of Integrable Systems to Phase Transitions
预订 Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups, and Quantum Field Theories
【预售】Discrete Integrable Systems
【预售】Global Aspects of Classical Integrable Systems
【预订】Nonlinear Integrable Equations: Recu...
【预订】Supersymmetry and Integrable Models:...
【预订】Integrable Models and Strings: Proce...
【预订】Integrable Quantum Field Theories: P...
【预订】Partially Integrable Evolution Equat...
【预订】Discrete Integrable Systems
【预售】Topology, Geometry, Integrable Systems, and Mathematical Physics
【预售】Integrable Systems - Nankai Lectures On Mathematical Physics 1987
【预售】Elements of Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems
【预订】Lie Algebraic Methods in Integrable Systems
[预订]Inverse Scattering Problems and Their Application to Nonlinear Integrable Equations 9781032429212
【预订】Quantum Integrable Systems 9781138442115
预订 Constrained Willmore Surfaces: Symmetries of a Möbius Invariant Integrable System 受约束的Willmore表面:莫比乌斯不
预订 New Results in the Theory of Topological Classification of Integrable Systems: 9780821804803
Integrable Systems: Twistors, Loop Groups, and
【预售】Integrable Systems in Celestial Mechanics
【预售】Integrable Systems and Foliations: Feuilletages Et
【预售】Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies: Spectral and
【预售】Darboux Transformations in Integrable Systems:
【预订】Dynamical Systems VII: Integrable Sy...
【预订】Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems
【预售】Symmetries of Maldacena-Wilson Loops from Integrable String Theory
【预售】Recent Developments in Integrable Systems and Related Topics of Mathematical Physics
【预订】Factorization and Integrable Systems
【预售】Factorization and Integrable Systems: Summer S...
【预售】Bilinear Integrable Systems: From Classical to
【预售】Mathphys Odyssey 2001: Integrable Models and B...
【预订】Integrable Hamiltonian Hierarchies
【预售】Mathphys Odyssey 2001: Integrable Models and Beyond
【预订】Integrable Problems of Celestial Mechanics in Spaces of Constant Curvature
【预售】Introduction to Multidimensional Integrable
[预订]Introduction to Multidimensional Integrable Equations 9781489911728
【预售】The Problem of Integrable Discretiza...
【预售】Integrable Systems
【预售】Lie Algebraic Methods in Integrable Systems
【预售】Theory of Orbits: Volume 1: Integrable Systems and
【4周达】Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems [9784931469372]
【4周达】Integrable Models [9789971509118]
[预订]Hydrodynamic Scales of Integrable Many-Body Systems 9789811283529
【预售】Integrable Hamiltonian Systems: Geometry, Topol
【预售】Introduction to Classical Integrable Systems
【预售】Topological Classification of Integrable Systems
【预售】Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems
【预订】Integrable Systems in Statistical Me...
【预订】Integrable Models
【预售】Nearly Integrable Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian
【预订】Asymptotic Analysis for Integrable C...
【预订】Geometry and Dynamics of Integrable ...
【预售】Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems
【预售】Measure and Capacity of Wandering Domains in Gevrey Near-Integrable Exact Symplectic Systems
【预订】Classical and Quantum Nonlinear Integrable Systems
[预订]Integrable Systems, Geometry, and Topology 9780821840481
【预售】Integrable Geodesic Flows on Two-Dimensional
【预售】From Integrable Models to Gauge Theories
【预订】New Symmetries and Integrable Models
【预订】Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry
【预售】Jacobi Operators and Completely Integrable Nonlinear Lattices