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【4周达】Strategic Sourcing and Category Management: Lessons Learned at Ikea [9780749486211]
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【4周达】Category Theory and Applications: A Textbook for Beginners (Second Edition) [9789811236082]
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【4周达】Non-Hausdorff Completion, A: The Abelian Category of C-Complete Left Modules Over a Topologi... [9789814667388]
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【4周达】Category Theory and Applications: A Textbook for Beginners [9789813231061]
预订 Involutive Category Theory
预售 按需印刷 An Introduction to Category Theory
预订 How to Turn Your Small Business into a "Category of One": Before You Spend Another Dime on Traditional Advertising!
【预售】Language Acquisition and the Functional Category
【预售】Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy
【预订】Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy
【预售 按需印刷】Expanding the Category Human
【预售】Category Theory: Proceedings of the International
【预售】Measure and Category: A Survey of the Analogies
【预售】Category Theory: Applications to Algebra, Logic and
【预售】Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar V
Category Theory
【预售】Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets
【预订】Applications of Category Theory to F...
【预售】The Category Management Handbook
【预售】Toward Category-Level Object Recognition
【预售】An Invitation to Applied Category Theory
【预售】Category Theory And Applications
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【预订】General Extenders: The Forms and Functions of a New Linguistic Category
【预售】The Homotopy Category of Simply Connected
【预售】Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar I
【预订】Notes in the Category of C
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[预订]A First Course in Category Theory 9783031428982
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Basic Category Theory
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【预售】Topology and Category Theory in Computer Science
【预售】Bio-Produkte - Eine Betrachtung Unter Dem Category
英文原版 An Invitation to Applied Category Theory 应用范畴理论介绍 Brendan Fong 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预售】Incomplete Category Fronting
【预售】Incomplete Category Fronting: A Derivational
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【预售】Category Neutrality
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【预售】An Introduction to Category Theory
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[预订]The Myth of Western Civilization: The West as an Ideological Category and Political Myth 9781536188684
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[预订]Supply Chain-Based Category Strategies for Global Supply Networks 9783844105179