Rock fracture mechanics: cracking visualization analysis and applications(岩石断裂力学:断裂过程可视化、分析及应用)
Rock fracture mechanics: cracking visualization, analysis and applications(岩石断裂力学:断裂过程可视化、分析及应用)
Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials
预订 Fracture Mechanics of Ductile and Tough Materials and its Applications to Energy Related Structures
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Electrically Passive and Active Composites with Periodic C 沿界面周期性开裂的电无源和
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 5 Surface Flaws, Statistics, and Microcra 陶瓷断裂力学:卷5表面缺陷,
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 2 Microstructure, Materials, and Applicat 陶瓷断裂力学:第2卷微观结
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 8: Microstructure, Methods, Design, and F 陶瓷断裂力学:第8卷:微观结构
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 7 Composites, Impact, Statistics, and Hig 陶瓷断裂力学:第7卷复合材料、
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials: Nonlinear Field Theory and Appl 电磁材料断裂力学:非线性场论与
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ductile and Tough Materials and Its Applications to Energy 韧性和韧性材料的断裂力学及
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Material Characterization and Testing: Material 混凝土断裂力学:材料表征与
海外直订Fracture Mechanics: The Experimental Method of Caustics and the Det.-Criterion o 断裂力学:焦散度实验方法与断裂
Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials/果立成 于红军 吴林志
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Composites, R-Curve Behavior, and Fatigue 陶瓷断裂力学:复合材料、R曲线行为和疲
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Fatigue, Composites, and High-Temperature Behavi 陶瓷断裂力学:疲劳、复合材料和
预订 Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids 压电固体和铁电固体断裂力学: 9783642300868
[预订]Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Design in Metallic Materials 9783036527307
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials: Nonlinear Field Theory and Applications [9781848166639]
预订 Rock Fracture Mechanics and Fracture Criteria 岩石断裂力学与断裂准则: 9789819758210
[预订]Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage 9783030867409
海外直订Fracture Mechanics Technology Applied to Material Evaluation and Structure Desig 断裂力学技术在材料评价和结
[预订]Mechanics and Physics of Fracture: Multiscale Modeling of the Failure Behavior of Solids 9783031183393
[预订]Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, V
【预订】Fracture Mechanics of Electrically Passive and Active Composites with Periodic Cracking along the Interface
海外直订Fracture Mechanics Methodology: Evaluation of Structural Components Integrity 断裂力学方法:结构部件完整性的评估
海外直订Fracture Mechanics Methodology: Evaluation of Structural Components Integrity 断裂力学方法:结构构件完整性评估
海外直订Fracture Mechanics: Integration of Mechanics, Materials Science, and Chemistry 断裂力学:力学、材料科学和化
预订 Fracture Mechanics in Layered and Graded Solids: Analysis Using Boundary Element Methods [9783110297874]
海外直订Fracture Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics of Reinforced Elastomeric Blends 增强弹性体共混物的断裂力学和
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints: Application 金属、复合材料、焊缝和螺栓
[预订]Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Damage of Materials and Structures 9783036581248
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints: Application 金属、复合材料、焊接和螺栓
预订 Numerical Methods for Strong Nonlinearities in Mechanics: Contact and Fracture: 9781789450811
海外直订Fracture Mechanics: With an Introduction to Micromechanics 断裂力学:介绍微观力学
Fracture Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Materials/果立成 于红军 吴林志科学出版社
海外直订Fracture Mechanics Testing Methods for Polymers, Adhesives and Composites: Volum 聚合物,粘合剂和复合材料的
海外直订Fracture Mechanics: With an Introduction to Micromechanics 断裂力学:微机械导论
海外直订Mechanics of Fracture Initiation and Propagation: Surface and Volume Energy Dens 断裂起始和扩展力学:表面和
Dynamic Fracture Mechanics 动态断裂力学【中商原版】
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 10: Fracture Fundamental High-Temperature 陶瓷断裂力学:第十卷:断裂基
预售 按需印刷Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Applications of Fracture Mechanics to Concrete Rock and Other Quasi-Brittl
海外直订Mechanics of Fracture Initiation and Propagation: Surface and Volume Energy Dens 断裂萌生与扩展力学
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 9: Composites, R-Curve Behavior, and Fati 陶瓷断裂力学:卷9:复合材料
海外直订Mechanics in Material Space: With Applications to Defect and Fracture Mechanics 材料空间力学:缺陷力学和断
海外直订Fracture Mechanics: Inverse Problems and Solutions 断裂力学:逆问题与解
海外直订Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Design in Metallic Materials 金属材料断裂力学与疲劳设计
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Structural Application and Numerical Calculation 混凝土断裂力学:结构应用与
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 13. Crack-Microstructure Interaction, R-C 陶瓷断裂力学:第13卷。裂纹-
海外直订Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume II: Fracture Mechanics and Damage 材料力学行为:第二卷:断裂力学
海外直订Mechanical Behaviour of Materials: Volume II: Fracture Mechanics and Damage 材料力学行为:第二卷:断裂力学与损伤
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Material Characterization and Testing: Material
预订 Fracture mechanics method of welded components under cyclic loads [9783838123011]
海外直订Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of High Risk Parts: Application of Lefm & Fmdm Th 高风险零件的疲劳和断裂力学
海外直订The Crack Tip Opening Displacement in Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics: Procee 弹塑性断裂力学中的裂纹头部
[预订]Advances in Solid and Fracture Mechanics: A Liber Amicorum to Celebrate the Birthday of Nikita Moroz 9783031183959
海外直订Fracture Mechanics in Layered and Graded Solids: Analysis Using Boundary Element 层状和梯度固体中的断裂力学:用
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 2 Microstructure, Materials, and Applications - Fract... [9781461570165]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 5 Surface Flaws, Statistics, and Microcracking - Frac... [9781461334903]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 8: Microstructure, Methods, Design, and Fatigue - Fra... [9781461570288]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 7 Composites, Impact, Statistics, and High-Temperatur... [9781461570257]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ductile and Tough Materials and Its Applications to Energy Related Str... [9789401183925]
【4周达】Fracture mechanics of concrete: Material characterization and testing : Material Characteriz... [9789024729593]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Electrically Passive and Active Composites with Periodic Cracking Alon... [9783030431372]
【4周达】Fracture mechanics of concrete: Structural application and numerical calculation : Structura... [9789024729609]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 10: Fracture Fundamental High-Temperature Deformation... [9780306442032]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 13. Crack-Microstructure Interaction, R-Curve Behavio... [9781441933706]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Active Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composites, Glass, an... [9781441936929]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints : Application of LEFM, EP... [9781461356271]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Metals, Composites, Welds, and Bolted Joints : Application of LEFM, EP... [9780792372394]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Electrically Passive and Active Composites with Periodic Cracking Alon... [9783030431402]
【4周达】Fracture mechanics of concrete: Material characterization and testing : Material Characteriz... [9789400961517]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Structural Application and Numerical Calculation: Structural... [9789400961548]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics Technology Applied to Material Evaluation and Structure Design: Proceedin... [9789400969162]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ductile and Tough Materials and its Applications to Energy Related Str... [9789400974814]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Active Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composites, Glass, an... [9780387241340]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Volume 13. Crack-Microstructure Interaction, R-Curve Behavio... [9780306466632]
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics Of Concrete: Applications Of Fracture Mechanics To Concrete, Rock And Oth... [9780471303114]
【4周达】Mechanics of Fracture Initiation and Propagation : Surface and volume energy density applied... [9789401056601]
【4周达】Mechanics of Fracture Initiation and Propagation : Surface and volume energy density applied... [9780792308775]
海外直订Macro- And Micro-Mechanics of High Velocity Deformation and Fracture: Iutam Symp 高速变形和断裂的宏观和微观
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics : The Experimental Method of Caustics and the Det.-Criterion of Fracture [9781447119944]
海外直订Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics: Active Materials, Nanoscale Materials, Composite 陶瓷断裂力学:活性材料、纳
预订 Fracture Mechanics Investigation of Structures with Defects [9783330063495]
海外直订Fracture and Damage Mechanics for Structural Engineering of Frames: State-of-the 框架结构工程的断裂和损伤力
海外直订Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of High Risk Parts: Application of Lefm & Fmdm Th 高风险零件的疲劳断裂力学:
海外直订Continuum Mechanics Aspects of Geodynamics and Rock Fracture Mechanics: Proceedi 地球动力学和岩石断裂力学的连续
海外直订Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, 复合,混合和多功能材料力学
【4周达】Fracture Mechanics Testing Methods for Polymers, Adhesives and Composites: Volume 28 [9780080436890]